Extended time for exams?

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Nov 16, 2012
Southern USA
Does your child have extended test time? I know that most crohn's kiddos have stop the clock testing but what about extended time. DS has not been feeling that great lately. He is suddenly more anemic, etc and he had his first exam today and he didn't finish it. I think his focus is just shot. He was devastated.
I honestly can't remember now if C's 504 included extended test time. I know assignments had extended time and he did have scope the clock testing. I do remember us discussing the cognitive effects related to focus both anemia and pain in general could have. This was all at the military prep he attended when dxed.

At the private school he transferred to in 10th grade he was mostly on independent study during flares testing was done certain days of the week and he did have extended time but this was not a formal 504 since this wasn't a traditional public school.

With the standardized tests(like SAT and ACT) we turned in a letter to College Board from his GI and rheumatologist and they sent a form back saying what he would have access to. It was stop time testing but not extended time
My kiddo did but that was more for her arthritis - since she has arthritis in her hands and it can be painful to write/type so it might take longer. She almost never had to use it though.

She only had extended time for school exams though and not for APs or the SAT - she just had stop the clock testing for those.
That makes sense because C wasn't dxed with his JSPA at the first school so that's probably why the extended testing wasn't offered. I do remember he could opt for separate testing in an effort to provide him with a quiet environment to hopefully counter the lack of focus/concentration of his anemia.
Extended testing for crohns
Just stop the clock

But he has seperate extended testing due to JSpA in his hands
He also uses a laptop or dictates to someone during a test if needed
My daughter took all the "big" tests in high school - APs, the SAT -- separately, in the guidance counselor's office. She had to since she has use of a laptop/computer as one of her accommodations for her arthritis.

But she always said it was much quieter and much less distracting and they even finished everything faster since there were so few kids!

I wonder if that might be an option for your son, if he has trouble focusing?

Just as a warning though - College Board will probably not give extra time for Crohn's, for tests like the SAT and for APs. Not unless you have a lot of documentation that really proves he needs it.

My daughter did not get it for her arthritis and she has had swollen fingers and trouble writing or even typing sometimes. However, she did not really need it so we didn't bother fighting it.
When I 1st got diagnosed in 94/95 my middle school teacher had colitis so she made sure I had all the time in I needed for school work and exams.

Once I got to high school it was a little different I could just get up and leave class at anytime because I went to the bathroom so much if I asked everytime it would disrupt the class so they would just let me leave.I also had a permanent hall pass that I never once took advantage of.:shifty-t:If I didn't finish in time they'd send me to the testing room which was a room with about 100 work stations that was only usually used for finals,State testing and SATs.
Hello , My son will be taking The ACT in june,what should I do to get him permission to use the bathroom. We are in a flare up after having Cdiff and when he has the urge to go he has. He took already 2 times the act but he was good a that time. He just started having issues 2months ago. After almost 10 years of being in remission.
My daughter's guidance counselor helped her get accommodations. We did need documentation from her doctors.

It takes about 6-7 weeks for College Board, so I'd suggest you talk to his guidance counselor ASAP if he's taking the test in June.

I don't know the process for the ACT, but I expect it is similar.
I think our accommodations for ACT came in at the same time as the ones for SAT, which was about 6 weeks out from when we sent in everything. So I would definitely get the guidance councelor involved. Good luck!
Thank you for your replays yesterday. I did call the Act disability today, I explained what was the issue, they told me to download the form and fax it to them before 5pm along with something that states that he has crohns. Last day to apply was Friday but they told me they will do me a favor and accepted today. So I did.
Thank you
I just want to let you know, that Michael accommodation for the ACT in June is completed. They assigned him a new school so he can present the Act. Thank you again.
Michael crohns at age 6 current almost 17
Pentasa, Flagyl, vitaminD iron.
Just came out from Cdiff. Few weeks ago. Perianal abscesses.

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