Extreme Crohn's

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Mine is a complicated and long story. It is not the normal everyday story you might expect from someone who is extremely ill, you might even say it's the story of comic books and novels. So please bear with me and understand that I have the tendency of including too much detail.

My name is Chad Lietz. I was originally diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 1998, but I was not officially informed until 2007.

On an ordinary night in 1998 I awoke to a dull ache in both my kidneys and the feeling of constipation. When I went to the bathroom I could not go and the pain suddenly became so severe I could hardly stand up. My wife took me to the emergency room (ER) and after several tests I was admitted and the next day the pain was gone and I was left feeling like it was all a bad dream. The gastrointestinal specialist did a colonoscopy and took a tissue sample and confirmed I had Crohn's, but the doctor was in the process of retiring and transferred my records to the doctor taking over all of his active patients. The new doctor never called me of con tacted me.

I never experienced another issue until July of 2005. After my fathers death I started to feel some abdominal cramping and unusual pain. When I returned to work the pain continued and one morning I came in to my office and the pain became so severe at first I felt my apendix had burst. I was rushed to the ER and on the way I passed out twice from the pain. Eventually I found that I had a kidney stone not a ruptured apendix. This would start events that would cause me to experience 3 to 5 stones a month.

After passing my 5th stone in less than a month I went to a nyphrologist who told me to drink more water. I went for a second apinion and the answer was the same. Then one morning I passed what looked like red sand. It just poured out, wet sand. I went to the ER and they had never seen anything like it. The nyphrologist had never seen anything like it. So they sent me to a specialty kidney clinic in Spokane WA. Before I went I did some research on the internet and I found that the sand was uric acid crystals. Uric acid crystals large enough to see with the naked eye is extremely rare, uric acid stones are also rare I found. Then I came across a blog that said these two things are evidence of highly advanced and severe Crohn's disease. When I went to my appointment the doctor told me I was crazy and that i needed to drink more water. He also told me that it was absolutely impossible that Crohn's was the cause of the crystals or the stones.

Two days later I was in the hospital having a large stone removed. It was 100% uric acid. So I asked my family doctor to do a colonoscopy and take a tissue biopsy to check for Crohn's. At first he denied, but just before I was to leave the hospital I became severly ill. They rushed my in to emergency exploratory surgery and found that my gallbladder had a blockage and my pancrease had a blockage as well. Because thses were also signs of Crohn's listed on the page I gave my doctor he finally agreed and 2 months later they did the test.

Before the test was done however I developed extreme pain in my abdomin and was started on increasingly higher doses of pain medications.

The GI doctor who was to do the colonoscopy told me I was crazy and said that he was doing the scope against his better judgement. An hour later I awoke to find him apologizing to my wife. They had found 3 ruptures in my intestine just below the ileum, right above my right kidney. The ruptures were leaking digestive fluids on to my right kidney.

The biopsy was also posative for Crohn's and then the GI doctor came forward and disclosed that he had forgot to follow up with me when he took over for my prior GI doctor and that the tests in 1998 also showed posative for Crohn's.

Because of the kidney damage they called in a new nyphrologist. They called in a new one because I felt I could not trust any of the other ones who had failed to recognize the symnpthoms. When I met for him the first time and explained my sympthoms within 5 minutes and without knowing about my diagnois he told me that it was most likely that I had Crohn's disease. He explained that internal bleeding in the intestines causes the body to reobsorb the blood and that during the process of breaking down the blood there is a lot of uric acid created, which would then be dumped in to the kidneyes thus causing my stones and sand.

It took them 2 years to identify my condition. During which the pain had become increasingly more acute and intense.

The first treatment they started me on was Remicaid. Unfortunately Remicaid caused me to loss the feeling in my right arm and eventually caused me to go blind due to swelling in my optic nerves. After 6 treatments I stopped taking Remicaid. My original Doctor refused to change my treatment plan. He also told me that Remicaid was the best choice for me and that my complications could in no way be caused by Remicaid. His nurse on the other hand told me that she had checked with the manufacture, Centocore and that they acknowledged that Remicaid could in rare situations cause blindness and nerve damage. She told me to find another doctor. She said that Dr. Setti was acting strangely and that he had asked her to destroy records and that he was taking a very unusual interest in my file. She was fired the next day and that was my last treatment.

When Itried to find a new GI doctor, none would take me as a new patient as soon as they found out that I had been given Remicaid. I did not under stand at the time why it was that no one would accept me as a new patient. Luckily for me, my family doctor, Dr. Stanly Ling, was able to get me in at the UW Digestive Disease Center. There I saw Dr. Scott Lee. After reviewing my case he told me he would take me as a new patient even though he normally was not taking new patients at that time. He also switched me to Humira.

After starting Humira in 2007 my condition improved and I was doing great. I was almost off of the Morphine and all of my symthoms were gone. Then in September of 2008 my condition started to worsen and by November 2008 I was so sick, my employer at the time, brought me in the day before Thanks Giving and told me that they were letting me go. When I asked why they told me that I had failed to meet my job objectives. Then they told me it was because I had been unable to identify the network communication issues with the new main frame. I explained that it was not my job and that my supervisor had expressly told me that it was not my concern. I also explained that I had found the issue, but again my supervisor would not accept my conclusion that the drivers for the network interface cards was the issue. They finally said that it didn't matter and that I was probably right, but in the end I was still being let go. They explained that while I had a good court case, that they would do everything to prevent me from ever claiming a cent and that if I signed a NDA they would give me a small severence package. I realized they were right and because of my financial situation at the time I signed the NDA and walked a way. One week later I received a call from a co-worker to let me know I was right and the drivers had been found to have a memory leak.

Since November 24, 2008 I have filled 400+ applications and have had 48+ job interviews and all have ened with me being unemployable because I am on Morphine.

My condition has worsened so much in the last 8 months that I sleep up to 20 hours a day because I am so fatigued. The cooper, iron and liver enzyme levels in my blood are so high they are starting to look for other issues as being the cause to my Crohn's and other problems.

In the last 3 years I have lost 2 houses, 3 cars, 4 ATV's an RV, 5 acres or land, 3 jobs, $300,000.00 in savings, all my friends and now I am living in a small les than 800 sq. foot apartment with 3 kids and my wife. My wife wants to leave me and my kids cry all the time when they see me in so much pain. I understand that this is all too much for my wife and well, I know that tomorrow may be the day she takes the kids and walks away.

I have tried to make this story as abrubt and short as possible. Currently Ijust pray every day that they find a cure.
oh honey :(

im so sorry, its very rare for someones story to bring me to tears, but youve got me there.

first off i am SO glad you came here, and please, please stay ok? this is truly the best support system ive ever had. im sure your wife and childern and other people in your life are sympathetic and understanding, but here i have finally founf those that know EXACTLY what its like, you know? it is such a weight off the shoulders have reassurance that we arent alone with this.

well, idk how much help i can be but i thought of a couplet hings as i was reading:

-are you still haveing probelms with the crystalized urine? i read in a urosotmy supply book that drinking cranberry juice REALLY helps with that. so if its still a problem try it out, or do some research on it if you wish ok?

-the financial troubles is awful, so many people on here suffer with that as well. does your wife work and have insurance? do you have insurance?? there are gov't programs and stuff that can help you pay for medications and just TALKING to someone about your bill can really help. my family has spent quite a bit on medical stuff for me this year too, and we ARE lucky enough to have decent insurance. but still the 30 grand is getting difficult on my parents so my dad has begun to just ask the person over the phone how they can help him out with the cost and many times they can just shave off a good chunk, the one he told me about was like 500 off an 800$ fee. just for telling them that you need help!
its worth a shot, i hope that will help you.

- where do you get medical care, if you dont mind me asking? i have bouced around between many different doctors because many dont know how to treat my case. like you, i ahve a pretty advanced and i expereicce the rarer symptoms (though not the awful stuff youve been through).
maybe you need to seek out some of the world renowned GI's that HAVE experience with symptoms like yours. you do NOT want to be the patient that baffles your doctor, its a very bad place to be. and many doctors have too big an ego to admit that they arent the right person to help you.
so, if you dont mind telling us where you get care, the people on here who have succesful and expereicnd docs can hopefully recommend some for you?

-i see that you mentioned remicade, what other drugs have you tried? ahve you had any kinds of surgical treatments other than the urgent ones you talked about? and where does your pain come from? like is it higher up in your stomach or down in your colon, etc?

i just googled high copper level really quick and i got this page and its kinda interesting. well youve probably done reasearch already so its probably stuff you know, but it says that high copper level can cause kidney damage....hmm? that just kinda makes me wonder, idk. anyways heres the link :

well i hope that helps you chad, and i hope that we can help you come up with some new ideas and stuff to help you!

good luck buddy :)

oh yeah and welcome to the forum!
Welcome Chad - that is some story!

Makes me feel bad that I have been feeling so bad about my situation as I am not nearly as ill as you. But I can relate to the financial side of things, which I am personally finding very hard and having to go in on Friday to ask for more assistance just so I can stay in my house and be able to pay bills - it is humiliating and soul destroying but you do what you gotta do to survive right?

Your case sounds very complicated and as kello said, there must be people out there who can treat you properly and get some kind of normalcy back into your life so that you can at least function and be without so much pain?

Hang in there and I hope you find some valuable support here

Welcome to the forum- I think you will find it very useful if only to acknowledge that other people are having problems too. I think your story is shocking - it goes to show that just because someone is in the medical profession doesnt mean they are necessarily trustworthy. I live in West Sussex (England) and I have been relatively fortunate with my treatment - we have NHS to kick off with and although it took 9 years of being fobbed off and then major surgery before I received a diagnosis since then i have been looked after. A friend of mine is having problems at the moment with extreme pain and constipation and so far hasnt been to the loo for 3 weeks has seen the same doctor about it every week and his latest diagnosis is is you must be depressed!! Her reply was "well I wasnt but I bloody am now" and has now been forced to go private to get some answers. For my own part I left my husband last year after finding out that he had gambled away all our savings and run up loads of debt against the house - I divorced him and had to walk away with absolutely nothing - he even kidnapped my dog!! - I have managed to get work and have somewhere to live and feel so much better now, Please dont give up and hopefully things will start to get better for you in the future.
Hi Celdamage, wow your story has a similar to mine, I do have kidney stones and yes they are Crohn's related. I have seen a total of 5 Gi's 2 surgeons and gone through 3 gps. I have had Crohns since the mid 70's and diagnosed in 1993 because of emergency surgery in which they took out my appendix, because it was 'microscopically leaking" my Gp at the time was fighting amongst the Surgeon and Gi, the surgeon thought it was all in my head and the Gi was furious that the surgeon was on such an ego trip that he wasnt treating me properly and soon after many hospital emergencies I had my first resection with another surgeon. I was sick for over a year prior and demanded to see a specialist and he knew right away... Crohns. My Gp was not a practicing Gp very long and she quit after what hell I went through. I had some relief until 6 years later and a second surgery,the surgeon from a different hospital was nuttier than the first. NO one understands crohns.:(

The Remicade by the 3rd infusion I was rushed into emergency because my arms where in so much pain demerol didnt even help. Then I went to Humira, some relief for 2 months and then back to the antibiotics.

My kidney stones were 4mm around and they were shocked they didnt try to pass sooner. A visit to get Lithotripsy done,,, nightmare, I ended up back into emerge and puked my guts out. I still have a small kidney stone to this day. I would prefer Lazer than the lithotripsy, was murder on my Crohns side (LRQ). I also got rid of my urologist, he was terrible to me and the only Doctor who gets it is my Gi, who is thinking of retiring, great. As for the loved ones in your life, it is trying for them, NOT sticking up for your wife because I too had 2 previous marriages, that failed and not one of them came to my doc appts. I have had a rough 20 years too but somehow I made it, milder symptoms now and a very compassionate husband whom I don't know how we have been married 10 years. I am so sorry you have lost everything and probably your dignity, but try to do what is best for you. Your children must be confused too. I have no magic words only to give you support. Maybe a resection is best for you in your future. Too much pain causes scar tissue and narrowing and back to the blockages. Take care.
Welcome to the forum Chad. You have found a wonderful forum. Many of the people I have met on here are just amazing, in terms of their fighting spirit and their knowledge of various medical issues. It is a great place to vent, learn, and cope with your disease. you have already had a brutal experience and i am sorry that you had to go through all that you did. Good luck and I hope that you are feeling much better really soon.
Kello, Shazmataz, Jettalady and all of you, thank you for the support. It means so much. With all that has happened these last few years I wasn't sure if I was the only person suffering from Crohn's who has had to deal with this issues.

I am lucky enough though to be a patient of one of the fore most experts on Crohn's Disease. He has written several case studies and has even done the initial studies on several of the latest Crohn's treatments. The only bad thing is, he travels a lot.

His name is Dr. Scott Lee and he is with the University of Washington Digestive Disease Center. UW Medical Center is the #10 hospital in the United States and the Digestive Disease Center is #2 in the States for Crohn's and Coilitis research and treatment. I am currently the worst case at the center. All statistics I would rather not know or care about.

Within the last 3 years 8 family members including myself have been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. The center is doing a genetic study simce this is the most wide spread genetic case they have seen.

I forgot who asked about my treatments but I am currently taking Humira. Initially my first doctor gave me Remicaid but I had severe side effects from it.

Remicaid was recently listed as a black label drug here in the states which means it's a drug of last choice. They have just found that Remicaid causes MS or MS like sympthoms. There are currently 4,000 + cases in which Remicaid has caused MS after a [atient has taken Remicaid within the last 18 to 24 months. Right now I have berve damage inmy right hand, arm, foot, shoulder, side, face and both of my eyes.

Just about two months ago I was sitting on my couch talking with my son when my whole right side went numb then nothing. My family rushed me to the ER and the attending neurologist found that I had significant loss of feeling and reflexes in my right side and that my eyes would not scroll smoothly from right to left and that they made a ratcheting movement often caused by MS.

I know Remicaid has helped a lot of people, but everyone should know that Centocore the drugs manufacture is asking people affected to work with them directly instead of suing them. Well it's just a way for them to obtain medical information to disprove your case. They now say that Humira is causing my problems, so my doctor had to take me off of the HUmira for a month. All that happened was that I got worse.

Crohn's is so awful.

The worst is not being able to support my family especially after we spent so much time, effort and money to progress my career. Now my wife has to work, but she doesn't make enough to pay the rent and utilities much less food.

My wife and I are also having problems. I know she has just had enough. This has been too much for anyone. I am just waiting for yje divorce papers. I know she has been getting ready, financially. I also have my suspicions she is having an affair, but I don't blame her at all. Things have been really bad. We haven't been intimate in over 11 months, so it's kind of obvious. ;) Still it's just one more thing to have to deal with.
I think she is just waiting for me to finish filling our bankruptcy. I hate the idea, but we have over $300,000.00 in debt and no possible way to pay it now. It's life altering to know that just 3 years ago we had $225,000.00 in the bank.

We have insurance now, but for a while we didn't and my Humira injections are $4800.00 a month alone without insurance $350.00 a month with insurance. One night I was so sick, but the hospital was too full in the ER so my doctor prescribed me some medication to tid me over till morning. It cost me the last $1100.00 in my savings account and the last $700.00 on my credit card. I had switched jobs 5 months prior, it was that or be fired or file for disability, and the new company was having financial problems and could not pay for my insurance. In 5 months we spent $250,000.00 all the time being promised they would get our insurance fixed. A year after I had left the company they got it fixed, but by then the insurance company said they would not pay for those bills even though they accepted payment for my premiums for that time period. (And they say we don't need healthcare reform in this country.)

I almost died on the operating table when they took out the blockage in my pancrease, sometimes I feel dying would have been so much easier, because living is so much harder. At the time I had a 2 million life insurance policy and my family would have been taken care of, but now I feel as if I have caused them so much pain.

I just hope that when my unemployment runs out in a few weeks that I can get an extension or that I can get welfare assistance until I get disability assistance. I would rather go back to work, but my doctors say no and my body says "you're kidding right?".

Has anyone else filled for disability benefits?
CELDamage said:
I almost died on the operating table when they took out the blockage in my pancrease, sometimes I feel dying would have been so much easier, because living is so much harder. At the time I had a 2 million life insurance policy and my family would have been taken care of, but now I feel as if I have caused them so much pain.

youre not alone on those feelings either, when the simplist events of life are extremely difficult tasks, its normal to questions whether or not its worth it. well at least i hope its normal, cause ive been there too and still am sometimes.
and the guilt? its awful, the last thing you want to feel when you are sick is guilty for being sick, but it happens, i cant stand to see my parents so upset and stressed out over me either.
just try and remember that them feeling pain over you means that they dont want you to be sick, ok? its just another expression of deep care and concern, in my opinion is the hardest one to accept.

ragarding your marriage (and im no scholar on marriage, im only 19 lol), have you two openly talked about the prospect of separation? maybe talking about it and making your feelings known to her, just what you said here you know? obviously you still love your family, but cant blame them for leaving you,....let her know that? see what thoughts are going through her head right now?

has your doctor ever mentioned an ostomy to you? maybe they can take out the most inflamed sections of intestine? just a thought. i had the surgery in april and my intestinal pain is GREATLY reduced.

uh, i just thought of this, do you think theres any possibility for lawsuit here?? i feel like such a huge portion of your suffering and cost is from effects of drugs. did you know when you started the remicade that it could result in MS? i was on it years ago and that reaction was never told to me.

ok finally, you asked about disability stuff.....mike and kimberlie are two members here that are expereiced with applyinmg for disability and stuff. maybe theres a thread about it somewhere around here...ill look around.
you can also start your own thread about that topic if you want ok?

allright, take care chad :)

edit:: here i found a few discussions about it:
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Also, if you go to Humira's website, they have a patient copay assistance program. It's basically a little card and it gives you Humira for 5 dollars a month. It's good for one year. and then you just have to reapply for the card again. I'm currently using that and its been AWESOME.
Thanks everyone. I just applied for the asistance program on Humira's Web site and I am reading through the disability threads.

As for my marriage. Yes we have talked about seperating, but in all honesty the issue is just me being sick and the affect itis having on the family. All in all I completely understand that my wife is under a lot of strain. Again it's not her fault. I guess I just was wondering if anyone else has had to deal with the loss of a spouse because of this illness and several people have replied letting me know that they have.

It seems like my story is quite similar to that of a lot of Crohn's sufferer's. A story of pain, sadness, guilt and hardship.

It seems as if every day is just another day to make it through, instead of another day to live life. I have come to realize our medical science, while it has come a long way, has much much further to go until we have a better understanding of aflictions such as Crohn's.

I received a call from my hemotology doctor. It looks like I have a rare genetic disorder which is casuing my Crohn's and other sympthoms. Unfortunately they would not discuss my results over the phone and the next opening they have is Dec. 3rd. I understand that the clinic is very busy, but I need help now. Aparently my blood serume levels have stabalized so they feel it's safe for me to wait a few weeks to get treatment for whatever I have.
well im glad that they at least have somethign to report! i like that better than just no explanations whatsoever.
too bad its so far away though.

on the topic of relationships theres a really good thread about it title "how did you partner take the news?", use the search tab if you wanna have a read, its a good sampling of the different ways all of our relationships turned out.

heh i feel like the thread encyclopedia lmao!
My heart goes out to you and your family. I know you feel like you are in despair and you are the bread winner which makes it even harder. One thing about having this disease, it changes you and your children but your children will grow up to be compassionate and loving adults. There were times I thought the easy way out was best, but trust me it is not and has made me stronger and realize life is so precious and when I feel good I do what I can. I don't think I could ever leave someone in dire pain or has a trying disease but we are seeing from a sick persons perspective, if the marriage is strong it will last, even if it doesnt you will be just fine. Take it day by day, and hope you get the help as soon as you can.
Jettalady, thank you for the kind words of support. I agree, if my marriage fails I will be fine, as will my wife and my kids. I have tried to work hard on making things work, but I know that everyone has their limits. My wife is not a bad person, she is just at the limits of what she can take. It's easy to say "I DO" when you hear the for better or worse line, but untill the worse comes, you never really know.

Right now, I am just extremely frustrated that I am being denied disability benefits when I have worked all my life, since the age of 11. I have paid social security taxes and income tax since I was 16. I have paid in huge amounts of money. I use to be an IT executive and I made really good money. During that time I paid more than my fair share of taxes and social security taxes. But now that I am so sick, most days I am stuck throwing up in a bowl and rushing to the bathroom. My neighbor was given disability benefits on the first shot and he has a curable disease. It's just frustrating. I have 4 doctors who all say, you CAN NOT work, but the government says their doctors are better. I guess having one of the fore most Crohn's experts as your doctor doesn't mean crap now days. I am not looking for a free ride, I am just looking for some assistance. I woulod be happy to go back to work if someone would hire me instead of panicing when they hear I have Crohn's Disease.
Oh, by the way, they deleted my other account, so now I using my old gaming ID. So CELDamage is now ZeroCool2x. So whether damaged or not cool, I am still here. :) LOL!

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