hi, yes fatigue and exhaustion are a constant for me since before and after being diagnosed with Crohns. I have to schedule anything in hopes that i can gather all my strength for the outing and make it out the door. It can be very isolating. the worse part for me is when i know that something will help with energy, such as a clean , healthy diet. I'm so exhausted that i can't do what i need to make good food, cause I'm too tired. I do try to allow myself the rest, and be okay with it. although i'm frustrated, I try to let the stress go and enjoy what is being put in front of me. I used to have boundless energy, so I see it as a time to do somethings different, nap, read, write, research. I am learning to let go of the frustration and see it as a necessary step to wellness. Hope you have a good day.