Extremely tired on Humira

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Jan 18, 2010
I have been on Humira for 4 months now I like the fact that I don't have to take any pills however I have gained weight like 30lbs and I'm not a overly skinny girl so the weight gain has been hard. I stopped taking Welbuturin to see if that was the cause of weight gain. The side effects of Humira are scary as well. So I don't know what to do. My other question is what do you do for the tiredness? Is there anything that you can take? Any advice would be appreciated:) I go see my doc on friday.
Hi Awbrey - Other than the fatigue, has the Humira helped your Crohn's symptoms at all?

Are you getting your blood checked regularly? Specifically for iron levels and b12? Both of these deficiencies can lead to fatigue. Are you taking any supplements? How is your diet?

Make sure you mention the fatigue to your doc!

Good luck Friday - Amy
I think it has helped im in such denial with this disease, I read others posts and I don't feel like I have it as bad as everyone else. I sometimes think the doctors just put people on stuff Ive had my blood work done he said everything looked normal :=(
Hi Awbrey

I gained weight on Humira, too. About 35 pounds. If I remember correctly from when I was on Wellbutrin, the doctor did say that I might retain water. But I also heard somewhere (and I might be wrong), that they were going to study Wellbutrin as a drug to treat obesity.

As for tiredness, Amy covered the areas around tiredness. It might be worth considering asking your doctor to be more specific around "normal" and whether he thought it might be reasonable for you to take iron pills (get him to recommend one that isn't hard on your stomach) or to get B12 shots.

Good luck on Friday. Yes, you (and I) might not have it as bad as other folks, but keeping in step with Crohn's is a job and a half, I find! :)
Glum Chump- Thanks for the information, I went back on my Wellbutrin today because im feeling very depressed. Im really excited to see what the doc. says I will let you guys know.
So I went to the docotors yesterday and gained 6 lbs in 3 weeks :-( So im going to go off the Humaria and back on sulfazline (sp) as for the chest pain im going to have my gallbladder checked on wed. so we will see what happens. As for being tired he got me B12 injections so i will start that soon. I feel so frusturated sometimes he told me he thinks im depresed and wants me to take prozac on top of my welbuturin, my answer to that is of course im depressed i am tired all the time don't feel well and to top it off gained 33 pounds. Who wouldn't be I just get so angry sometimes because I feel like no one knows how I feel
Hello Awbrey
I use the WORRY mantra when I am feeling overwhelmed by events
W hy
O ver
R eact on
R eality that is
Y et unknown
I have those days when I just want to bite the head off of something cute and fuzzy, I have to remind myself that this too shall pass. Thats the time to come to the forums and be reminded that I am not alone and that others have gone before me. Hope you feel better soon.