Eye inflammation and Crohn's Disease

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Hello, I'm new to this forum. I'm a 52 year old female. My dad was diagnosed with Crohns Disease when he was 52. He had to have surgery, but with that and the medication, he was able to live a pretty good quality of life. I haven't been diagnosed yet, but I have a feeling I have CD also. I have a doctor appointment in a few weeks, and I'm praying everything will be okay. I've been suffering off and on for 3-1/2 months with the following symptoms: stomach cramping, semi-loose stools, nausea (dry heaves a couple of times in the past 3-1/2 months), occasional loss of appetite, lack of energy, woozy-type feeling (malaise). I also suffer with anxiety and depression. The anxiety includes 'health anxiety," so you can imagine how terrifying this is for me. I'm glad this forum is here because I know I'll need and appreciate the support whenever I am finally diagnosed. I forgot to mention that 10 years ago I was diagnosed by an eye specialist with Iritis. I thought it was "pink eye," but it was Iritis. The eye specialist asked me if I've ever had problems with my bowels. Well, at the time I didn't, and now I know why he asked me that. I read that eye inflammation can be/is a part of Crohns.

I'd appreciate any responses. I need some reasurrance because right now I feel so alone.

Thank you all so much.
Have you ever had a colonoscopy done before? With your age, it's definitely wise have one scheduled, but I'm sure your doctor will talk to you about that at your appointment. There are a lot of things that can cause your symptoms and it's good to know you will be seeing your doctor.

I, too have big time health anxiety (specifically heart disease -- and I'm 27!). Any little heart palpitation would send me in a frenzy, so I know what it's like to lose sleep over my health. I can't exactly tell you to "relax" because I know it's easier said than done, but try to focus positively on your upcoming appointment and hopefully answers asap!
Hello cms0907.

Definitely don't feel alone, this is a wonderful forum full of some great people that know what it's like to go through what your doing, and more importantly they know how to make it through. I know when I was in the same place It really helped me to think about how others have made it through, and that helped me to realize that I would make it through it to.

I can relate to the health anxiety, it's something i've been fighting with and contiue to fight with for sometime now. It really has a way making every little thing get to you and seem so horrible, and it can be frustrating when others don't view your concerns as dire as you do.

I'm really not one to give advice, but if nothing else try and keep looking to the positive and don't convince yourself of anything until you know for sure. The problem with symptoms like ours is that there are so many things that can cause them. Some temporary, some that can be cured, and some that are permanant. It can really making getting a clear answer a long process, and we just have to take it one step at a time.

Good luck with everything and try and keep as positive as an outlook as you can!
Crohns symptoms are so close to other things it's hard to tell. You need to have a colonoscopy to get a correct diagnosis.
If you do have Crohns, know that it is treatable. Sometimes with surgery, yes but with all the new meds out now you have much less of a chance of surgery being your only option than say, 10 years ago.
Good luck!