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May 6, 2006
May I enquire who seems to be affected by the clothes they wear? I've learned that I cannot wear low rise jeans as the pressure on this part of my abdomen causes pain after a few hours every time. I have the same issue with waste belts worn on my natural waist line. I almost feel like I'm cutting off the flow like stepping on a water hose. I'm curious because I'm a contour fashion student and am experimenting with foundation wear that could possibly help but I only have myself to experiment on and our diseases occur in different places. Is all pressure bad or does anyone feel that putting pressure on their abdomen helps at all?
when im in a flare i have trouble with pressure from pants so in the end i wore things without waist bands and where possible elastic tops but when things come right you can mostly wear what you want but you can still be tender
I find that I don't like things around my waist and prefer the low top pants/jeans. when I can find some that fit at a 5' frame. Panty hose, especially control tops are really uncomfortable, so I like to wear the thigh-hi ones. Other than not wearing white or light colored pants, I don't have much problems.
Thanks. May I ask where your IBD pains are generally? Mine are in the upper left part of my abdomen and also a stodgy feeling in my sternum so the waist pains I get but I can't figure out why low rise/hipsters would hurt.
I dont have a problem with low rise jeans but it does look like 3 people live in my closet with all the different sizes depending on how much weight my crohns is letting or not letting me loose. I think i have sizes 2-9 in my closet lol. right now im on size 4. next week who knows?!?!
I used to avoid any pants that required a belt when I was in a flair/bloated, and even a pair of pants with no belt was uncomfortable. Things with a stretchy waistband (like sweatpants) were the best for me.
my pain is genruly in the lower right but i used to get it upper central to but not just the lower
Initially I was wearing super baggy trousers and reverting back to my adolesent skater look but now I just look anorexic. Though, does anyone remember those 80s belts that were elastic with leather ends? I've got one of those for in-between sizes when none of my wardrobe fits. But when there's no abdominal tenderness, does anyone find that pressure produces it - like the pain was brought on my the pressure?
I wear low rise jeans or I pull down my shorts low but when I am in a flare I get pain in my lower left side.

Good luck

I find that if I wear my belt to tight then it make my stomach really bad. Get pains and then have to dash to the toilet.
I have some of the same problems with belts and low rise jeans, I find that the majority of my clothes have an elastic waist of some sort. But since I am a stay at home mom, sweats are my wardrobe of choice!!!

i struggle due to pain and my stoma my stoma is level with my hips, i have found next do some fab jeans ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) hope you find something
MikesAngel21 said:
I think i have sizes 2-9 in my closet lol. right now im on size 4. next week

I know the feeling...everything you want to wear is the wrong size! ;)

Anyalee - I tend to get pain in my middle abdomen with towards the left side.
I can fit a 4 if I am having no bloating, cramps, etc....not often..lol
Other than that I usually walk around the house with my top button of my jeans open. I love jeans especially the stretchies, but they don't always love me. They cut into my gut and hurt so bad.
Thank god for elastic.. Muat have been a fellow crohnnie who invented it:lol:

I don't wear any kind of jean nor any other pants with a waist (so to speak). I wear all flowy dresses, elastic topped skirts and pants. Sounds awful I know but I have foudn things I really like.

I find that even when I am feeling well wearing restrictive clothes makes me feel bad by a few hours later......so I just never do now. :)
I don't wear any kind of jean nor any other pants with a waist (so to speak). I wear all flowy dresses, elastic topped skirts and pants. Sounds awful I know but I have foudn things I really like.

I find that even when I am feeling well wearing restrictive clothes makes me feel bad by a few hours later......so I just never do now. :)

I can't stand waist bands either, also bras can be rather uncomfortable too.
I have this problem alot. I wear trousers 2 sizes up that come up really high and are loose enough to just touch my stomach. I used to wear corsets most of the time so i like something on my belly. I cant go near elastic banded knickers, i get the lace ones with no elastic in a size bigger. Also i have my bra loose and have a extender for big belly days, otherwise it brings a flare if its too tight. My stomach ranges wildly in size, depending on crohns and IBS so i cater to it. I also have obstruction trousers, 4 sizes too big haha.
I hate my bloated belly. When it started I would literally be driving home from work with my pants undone as from first thing in the morning until 5 oclock the circumference change was huge. I couldn't wait to get into a pair of pj pants. In the last 4 years, not much has changed except the swollen bloated belly is now permanent . And I for one cannot tolerate my pants to be below the "baby belly" so my preference are the jeans that are stretchy and have no zipper. Thank goodness that has become somewhat of trend in my stores and I have been able to go this route. I do also have the problem of rotating sizes. So I have boxes in my basement to store out of service pants. sigh....I just cant wait for some sort of treatment, even though it scares me.

On this topic...I also have issues with underwear....I don't want to wear granny panties that come up above my belly button but regular ones always slide below the swollen belly. I always used to look so nicely dressed. uggh

PJ pants are still my favorite!