Faecal calprotectin test

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 27, 2013
East Midlands, UK
My results have apparently come back ok for Faecal calprotectin test that I had, but I sent the sample in when I was on 30mg of prednisolone.

My GI wrote to say he thought it was IBS due to that, Im just wondering if the fact I was on 30mg of prednisolone (and had been for at least 2 months) that the results would be skewed.
If you have responded well to treatment with Prednisone then it is very likely that the test results will reflect that. That is, a normal result but unfortunately that only obscures what may be going on if you are undiagnosed. :(

When diagnosing there really is no point in the doctor prescribing these sort of tests, or scopes, when you are on Prednisone unless they are trying to track a trend.

Dusty. xxx
thanks for that, its what I thought, but hearing it from someone else makes me feel better.

just sick of people messing me about and making out like im making it up. went to the gp today, she was like, do you want signing off for 2 weeks? I was like NO I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE.

she still tried to sign me off, flipping cow bag :p
You are so not alone in feeling the way you do. :ghug: My daughter was undiagnosed for 18 months and the frustration and helplessness was overwhelming at times.

I hope you soon have solid answers akiva and when you do you find long and lasting relief. Good luck!

Dusty. :heart:
Ive got a twin sister whos got the same kind of problems, she was diagnosed with stomach migraines when we were about 12? shes still got the problems.
my mum feels particularly bad as she thinks it must be a genetic thing shes given us
Yeah, it’s not hard to feel guilty as a mum when you are healthy and your kids aren’t. :(

You would be surprised at the amount the kids on this forum that at some point in time, on the road to a firm diagnosis of IBD, have been diagnosed with abdominal migraine along the way, my daughter included. (sigh)

Dusty. xxx
its interesting isn't it. My mum isn't well herself, but her problems are respiratory and her back. I don't blame her in the slightest, theres no proof its genetic, it could be environmental, if anything I should blame dad (who doesn't really know about my problems) cos his dna didn't win over mums :p