Kefir? Probiotics? On remicade.

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Jun 21, 2012
Can people with Crohns who take Remicade drink kefir or take probiotics? My LO would like to increase biodiversity of their microbiome (for another illness).

I am wondering if Kefir and probiotics are ok because of the immunosuppression and possible effects on Crohns. LO has small intestine Crohns and is thought to be in remission by calprotectin, symptoms, ultrasound. Thanks!
My kiddo took prescription strength probiotics on humira and still takes them on Stelara.
He takes 900 billon -visobiome (original formula from vsl #3) owners changed hands etc…
It’s basically two packets otc .
For him it helps a lot with his sigmoid /rectum .
So 12 years of probiotics and biologics

Good luck
possible effects on Crohns
These can be highly immunogenic and risky. I would not take them. I think probiotics are a great way to make money. Nobody understands or knows much about microbiome currently to confidently mess with it. In addition, kefir has casein and lactic acid; both of these can increase the risk of a Crohn’s flare-up. If Crohn’s is in remission, is it worth risking it?
There are also possible theoretical risks associated with being immunosuppressed by the drugs used for CD and by the pathophysiology of CD itself.
Regarding increasing biodiversity:

What does biodiversity mean?
What do people know about whether increasing biodiversity is beneficial (and in what respects); whether these can increase biodiversity (if so, how) reliably and in a long term even after one stops taking them; and whether they can do so every time when they are taken; whether it is safe to achieve that state (and for whom); whether it is beneficial to achieve that state for CD patients; whether it is safe to take them for CD patients; how do these probiotics behave in different conditions and what the implications of that may be; whether increasing the number of microorganisms living in your gut is beneficial or safe for CD… so on one can ask many other questions. I cut it short.
Since editing function is not working:

Do healthy mammals living on land get better or worse if their biodiversity and the number of microorganisms on their digestive system are increased; or is it a sign of lost health if they have higher than average (for their species) number and diversity of microorganisms on their gut?
FWIW I started eating probiotic yoghurt at the recommendation of my GI specialist (and not just any old specialist - Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Oxford) and I also inject Adalimumab. It's never been a problem, I've been in remission for 15 years and theres definitely a mild but noticeable beneficial effect of the addition to my diet.

I eat about a litre of homemade probiotic yoghurt a week, initially made from a supermarket bought kefir starter (refreshed about every 2 months?). I say this to indicate how cavalier I am about it.

My opinion is - you're immunosuppressed but you're not made of glass; your gut is still full of quadrillions of bacteria, a few million of known beneficial strains in your diet isn't going to have any significant effect except maybe, with a bit of luck, nudge the overall makeup of your biome in a hopefully useful direction, over quite a long period of time.
Can people with Crohns who take Remicade drink kefir or take probiotics? My LO would like to increase biodiversity of their microbiome (for another illness).

I am wondering if Kefir and probiotics are ok because of the immunosuppression and possible effects on Crohns. LO has small intestine Crohns and is thought to be in remission by calprotectin, symptoms, ultrasound. Thanks!
For people with Crohn's, especially on immunosuppressive meds like Remicade, it’s always a good idea to check with the doctor first. Kefir and probiotics can be helpful for gut health, but they may also cause some issues for people with Crohn's, depending on how their body reacts.