Famous People with IBD

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Nov 10, 2009
Surprisingly, I couldn't find a related post anywhere on this site, so forgive me if it's already been posted somewhere. But I ran into an interesting article awhile back about famous people who lived with or are living with IBD. I found this before I was diagnosed when I was having the symptoms and was researching the possibilities. There are many out there like it, but here is the link to the one of them:


The article got me thinking and I was wondering if anyone has any stories related to this - times you met these people or stories you have heard about them, other famous people with IBD, who has inspired you, etc.

I'm going to post my story after this, but I want to hear about your experiences too.
As I said, I was still in the stage with symptoms, I hadn't been diagnosed with anything and hadn't even seen a doctor but it was pretty clear to me what I was getting into. I felt pretty much alone during this time, as I had only met one person with IBD, a girl I worked with for a few months who had Crohn's. Reading about these people's stories really helped me, especially one in particular.

I had heard of the band Saves the Day but had never listened to them. After reading the piece on that website about Chris Conley, their lead singer, I looked into them a bit and started listening to some of their music. I fell in love with it immediately, maybe a big reason being that I felt a connection with Chris. I listened to their music on the way to and from my appointment with my GI and my colonoscopy. Just thinking about how far he's gotten in life even though he has Crohn's has made this whole process easier on me.

Saves the Day is playing a concert a couple hours away in two weeks and if I'm feeling up to it I plan on going. I have never seen them live which I'm sure will be amazing, but I also want to go on the off-chance that I might meet Chris. They are playing in a relatively small building and I've heard that he hangs around after they done to watch the other bands and meet with fans. I'm hoping to get a chance to talk to him just to tell him how much he has meant to me without knowing it. This might all sound kind of dumb, but somehow I want him to know that what he is doing means something more than what is just in his music. I'm sure anyone with similar experiences knows exactly how I feel. Anyway, I just wanted to share that and hope to hear from some of you others.
it is inspirational to see some of these very successful people and athletes who have managed to be so productive and accomplish so much! Thanks for posting that link :)
Carrie Grant
I read a mag article years ago about Carrie (Fame Academy) and she told of a romantic holiday in Greece with her husband David. One day they went out in a boat to a remote island for a bit of romance. Suddenly she an urge to go, and had to lift her dress up, pull her knickers down, lift her bum over the rail, and **** straight into the sea!