Feel better after a BM?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 3, 2016
Hi. Yesterday afternoon and this morning I hadn't been feeling too good. Moody, depressed, lethargic etc. However, around lunchtime I had a good BM and following that I started to feel much better.

Is this quite common and has anyone else experienced this?
Well I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but my Bms are constantly on my mind.I either have urgency or constipation, which tends to interfere with my life in general.But when I know that I'm finally "done" for the day, usually about lunchtime,it cheers me up no end.
My story, blimey where do I start! I'll try and put it as simple as possible.

16yo I left school (1978) and started with anxiety and panic attacks AND low blood sugar. These went on for years and years and years. GP sent me to relaxation therapy at the local mental health hospital. Didn't work. I've had hypnosis, acupuncture, homeopathy, allsorts and nothing worked.

Fast forward to 5 years ago when I was 50. I was at a friends house and had the idea of making a sponge cake, which I did. Had three large slices over 2 days. Next thing I know I have terrible diarrhoea which was very foul smelling. Went to see my GP who suggested I cut out wheat. Was like a revelation. I felt wonderful and the low blood sugar episodes were much much better.

I've been gluten free for 5 years which has helped enormously. However, I still had diarrhoea from drinking fizzy water and red cheese and also from tomatoes. I also found out by accident that drinking water helped my anxiety. Turns out dehydration is a symptom of Crohn's Ta-Dah!

Felt I quite hadn't got to the bottom of it (excuse the pun). After a particularly bad Saturday morning I was googling stuff and came across Crohn's and IBD. The more I read about it the more it fitted better than coeliac disease.

Upshot is, I'm having my first colonoscopy in Friday 21 Oct. I've already had blood tests done and I do carry the DQ2 gene at least.

I just know it's some form of IBD. My father had very smelly and loose BMs, so I'm convinced it is hereditary.

I just know I'm right on this.
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Hi. Yesterday afternoon and this morning I hadn't been feeling too good. Moody, depressed, lethargic etc. However, around lunchtime I had a good BM and following that I started to feel much better.

Is this quite common and has anyone else experienced this?

Very often the case for me.
Thanks for your update Shakey.I'm glad that you're on the road to being diagnosed at last.Many people know, in the back of their mind,that things aren't "right" but embarrassment or inertia stops them taking the first important steps to getting things sorted.Your post will help those who are "lurking" on the forum hopefully make the decision to make that important first appointment.Please let us know how it goes.We're a friendly and helpful bunch,and nothing is taboo.We've heard or experienced it all.Have a good day.
Sometimes yes I feel better after a bm. bad bacteria that live in our gut can ferment certain foods an make toxins IBD patients have intestinal permeability issues where substances leak through the intestinal wall and get into the blood stream another term for this is leaky gut, this may be one explanation as to why it feels better after a BM. Altering the type of carbohydrates in your meals can somewhat reduce these symptoms as well antibacterial herbal teas and cinnamon to kill bacteria. A diet called the specific carbohydrate diet attempts to address these issues, it's in a book called breaking the vicious cycle.
This always happens to my daughter with Crohn's. She will get really lethargic and miserable for several hours sometimes. Then after she has a b.m. she is fine! Off to play!
I get very bloated, and just very uncomfortable and uneasy feelings in my stomach, sometimes aches. Then i have a BM which for me is always quite a urgent thing. And i always feel so much better after, which is why (as well as the urgency) i have a coffee in the morning to get it done with. My stomach always goes flatter (never flat haha) and any nausea i felt normally goes or gets better too.