Feeling disappointed

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Aug 24, 2010
feeling disappointed

I am disappointed because i feel like my dr does not listen to me...i got my results from my small bowel series and she said everything looked fine. So she said well i think we are going to look at your diet. Well if she listened to me then she would know that it has nothing to do with what i eat, i can eat one thing one day and eat the same thing the next day or even the week after and it will tear me apart one day and be fine the next. I could eat nothing all day and still be on the toilet all day long. I can eat a couple crackers and be on the toilet from that. And yet she did not listen to me and she was like for the next two weeks i want you to take dairy out of your diet and then we are going to take wheat out. And i am not looking to just modify my diet i can do that on my own i am looking for a diagnosis and treatment. I am so aggravated i am just going to give up and live with what i have lived with for years anyways i don't even want to go back to her. Its not my diet it doesn't matter if i take things out or put them back in i have done it myself before it either bothers me or it doesn't i don't know why. All i know is i give up....
Don't give up! When you don't like your doctor its best to get a second+ opinion. Sadly not every doc is as knowledgeable as we'd like them to be and sometimes, which has happened to me, we know MORE than them. Please try to see someone new.
I agree with Crabby, I would seek another Gi who specialists in Crohns. Many people see internists but they are not the same. A Gi is the best bet. Takes many tests to find out for sure.
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At least you have a doctor that realizes how much diet affects Crohn's patients - many doctors do not believe diet plays such a big part in the disease. It sounds like she is suggesting a systematic approach to affecting your diet - removing one thing at a time and tracking the results. But if she's not aggressive enough regarding meds, then I agree with the others that you might want to seek a 2nd opinion.

Good luck - hope you start feeling better soon. - Amy
It is important that you feel comfortable with your doctor. If it is at all possible to switch/get a second opinion as has been suggested then I would recommend that. You don't have to be as picky about finding a doctor as finding a spouse, but you at least need to have a good working relationship together!
I just wanted to add that even if it seems like diet doesn't make any difference, you'd be surprised how much it does.
My IBD nurse regularly arranges for me to see a dietitian. Plus, there's a load of research being done into diet at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge, uk.

I'm not trying to sound annoying, I thought just like you when I was first diagnosed. My dietitian put me on an exclusion diet so that I could work out what foods don't agree with me (although I'm naughty and sometimes eat them anyway!) I feel much better not eating certain foods. Even though I'm in remission I do notice it if I've eating something silly, like nuts (they're a killer!)

Anyhoo, what I'm trying to say is, don't be put off by what your GI has said. Although you may need a second opinion as others have said.
I do understand that that some foods can bother more than others i just don't think that just eliminating them and doing nothing else is going to solve my problem. Its like that she did two tests and now she just wants to concentrate on taking things out of my diet. Thats not going to help because i have done that myself before i mean i have been suffering with this for years i mean i am not an idiot and sometimes i think she talks to me like i am one. I know that food can irritate you but i also know that what i experience is not normal and the dr i have been going to is not a GI she is my regular dr who specializes in this field, so she doesn't do this on a regular basis. I think i do need to go see someone who deals with these issues all the time. I just know that my blood tests came back abnormal and that i have horrible stomach pains and diarrhea and that i know this is not normal so idk if i should just continue to deal with it or what....
I don't think you should just continue to deal with it. You know something is wrong so seek out the opinion of a Gastroenterologist.

What was abnormal with your blood tests??


get another opinion calmygal and when you call around for an GI ask them how many crohns patients they treat,my GI must treat a ton of us, 5 min after my colonoscopy he told me I had crohns and started to prep me for humira before the biopsy results had even come back.i read on here all the time people suffering for months and months waiting for a DX.Good Luck
Stupid predictive text.

Ahh, I thought your doc was a GI. I'd definately go for a second opinion. some doctors think they're superior to us, but you know how you feel inside, they don't! So don't give up!!
You should never have to just deal with pain and d. It's no way to live your life.
I hope you get some proper answers soon. I was misdiagnosed with IBS for five years before I was told I have Crohn's, so I know what you mean.

P.s. Apologies for sounding like a complete arse in my last post! X
you don't have to apologize i know you were just talking like every does and like i do lol!! I am not sure what blood test it was she told me it was a blood test they send out to a crohn's institute to test for crohn's and it was positive...so idk what that means. I don't really want to do her diet elimination because i do that on my own anyways and i know what bothers me anyways i don't need her just to guess what she thinks is wrong. Its just really aggravating me. I think i need a referral from her though i hope she doesn't get mad, my sister said she shouldn't get mad because she should want me to go see a GI but i am just nervous. I couldn't sleep last night just thinking about it. I was wondering if barium made anyone else really sick because i was on the toilet all day from it and i hadn't ate anything b4 the test or after and it got to the point that i my butt was bleeding from Irritation, which sometimes happens anyways but i hadn't ate anything to do that. When i asked my dr if that was normal she said no barium usually constipates i was just probably have a bad day and was like hmmm thats weird. I am def going to try to find a GI though because i think my dr tries to make it seem like she knows more than she does and what she is having me do now isn't really helping me cause i already do it.
Hiya Cal

I can understand where the doc is coming from about wheat etc to eliminate Coeliac, but you really need a referral to a gastroenterologist to rule out Crohns and IBD
Please don't give up, hang on in there, and scream for that referral!
she tested me for celiac and it tested negative so idk why we would go the wheat route hmmm....i think i need to get a GI and see what they say....
Yes certainly push to see a GI. Cealic is the easiest bowel disorder to test for since it's just taking blood but as i'm sure you know is not the only possibility. If something has come back abnormal in your blood then that is certainly cause for concern.

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