Feeling sick.

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Apr 25, 2006
About a month ago my Dr. told me to try and come down on prednisone 5 mg. I've been on it for many years for the treatment of crohn's disease.
First I went to 3/4 and a couple of weeks later to a half per dr's instruction.
That was the start of a whole array of symptoms, heart palps, joint pain, weakness, cold spells in my limbs, nausea and more. I went back to the doctor and he told me to go back to the 5 mg for a week and then try 3/4 tab again. I followed his instructions and I'm on 3/4 but I've been so sick since. Something is really wrong with me or so it feels like. I phoned for an appt but the doctor is away till the beginning of April.
Can anyone tell me if I stay at 3/4 if there ever is a chance my adrenal gland will start working normally again.
Probably been just over a month since this all began. He had me on 1 mg tablets years ago and I could not get past 4 mg, ended up with real bad joint pain so he sent me to a rheumatologist who put me back on 15 mg, weaned me down to 5 and told me to stay there. That was probably about 6 years ago. Guess this doctor forgot or wanted to see if I was able to budge at this time.
Not fun! I HATE prednisone..it can make you feel so good and then so bad. I recently weaned myself...maybe not a good idea, but I just wanted off of it! Hope that you can do it.
I just recovered from a flare-up myself. Prednisone is no fun. I'm hoping you feel better soon. :)
Wow, that's a tough one. I know someone who's been on 5 mg pred for YEARS. She just couldn't get past it. She does what she can to take extra calcium, etc. She is older now, in her 60s and it has been okay for her for all these years.

Not that I wish that for you, just saying that it is possible to stay at that maintenance dose if you can't get past it for adrenal reasons.

Good luck. Keep us posted on your progress.

- amy
All of those symptoms are side effects of the med and coming off of it. I was on a 40mg taper and once I was down to 10mg, it took me 3 weeks to go completely off of it, I felt like I was coming off crack. I would agree about requesting an rx for 1mg tabs. You may be able to ask for some type of anxiety med( benzo) that can help w/ the withdrawal.
You're not alone w/ the crazy symptoms....Some of the lovely things that it did to me: changed the shape of my breasts(this is an actually side effect in the PDI) Violent nightmares, vivid dreams about food, extreme hunger, heart palpitations, chest pain, sweating, leg and joint pain. The only reason I stuck it out was it helped w/ the pain so much.
Good luck, hope your doc can get you in sooner.

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