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- Nov 17, 2013
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I have been sick for 37 days, lost 10 lbs and am down to 107 lbs. I'm losing weight daily. I went to six different doctors who seem to know very little about what's wrong with me. One put me on cipro for 10 days pain killers and stuff to stop my stomach from cramping. When that didn't work he put me on a different antibiotic for another ten days which also did nothing. On Friday I got a call from the doctor who said he believes I have Crohn's and am scheduled to see a specialist in 7 days. I know little about Crohn's but from what I read I have most of the signs and symptoms. Every time I eat or drink anything my stomach cramps so painfully, bloats and hurts then I need to rush to the washroom to expel it out. Usually within ten minutes of eating or drinking. It is a runny liquid stool and hasn't been solid in 37 days. I'm going on average 20 plus times a day. I'm woken up nightly 2-3 times as well. It feels like I don't even digest food anymore. I'm so weak and fatigued by this I can barely function. I have no appetite what so ever cause my stomach always hurts. Is there anything I can eat to help this or at least something that will keep me from starving to death until I can see the specialist? I have been taking vitamin B12 injections and gummie multivitamins but I feel so terrible still. I am hoping to find some answers on how I can take eat or drink to keep myself somewhat healthy for the time being. I can't take time off work and it doesn't seem like I can ever get enough rest, I'm physically drained and an emotional wreck. Any suggestions would be extremely appreciated..