Figured I'd stop being a lurking creeper. :)

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jan 8, 2015
Hi everyone,

I've been lurking and reading for a few weeks now and figured it was time to intro myself. I'm currently undiagnosed, but have a feeling I'll be around a while, no matter how my tests at the end of the month turn out.

I'm 41 and a multi-published romance author, full-time Emergency Medical Technician and mom of three kids, ages 16-8 and man, I don't have time for the hell my body is putting me through. LOL It's literally putting my careers on hold and making it nearly impossible for me to be interactive with my kids outside of home, i.e. their activities and such.

So, I've had symptoms for years. My earliest recollection of something being wrong with my gut was at 12. My parents took me in and all I remember from that is that the physician said it was possible I should be taken off wheat. Of course, I wasn't... who did that in the 80's, right? I was always struggling with elimination issues (constipation and diarrhea) and abdominal pain. For the most part, it was manageable with Imodium or laxatives, but when I became pregnant with my 2nd child at 34, it all went to hell.

I had severe pains, and uncontrollable bathroom issues. This went on for months, but my OB kept reassuring me it was just pregnancy. After the birth, it didn't go away, but then I was told it was just my body going back to "normal" and lack of sleep and all that jazz. In 2008, I became pregnant with #3 and the severe, unmanageable diarrhea continued. I ended up being hospitalized with eclampsia and my daughter being born prematurely. I never fully "recovered" after that (baby is a healthy 8 year old, btw).

There are months at a time where I'm feeling well, but just as many months when it's absolute hell. I have to always know where a restroom is and can't go anywhere without having a box of Imodium. I've sought medical help 4 times in the past 8 years, and have been diagnosed with everything from Fibromyalgia to depression to simply making things up in order to get on disability (*******, doctor). I have been exclusively gluten-free for 6 years and tested "inconclusive" for Celiac disease. I denied stomach biopsies at that time because going GF did help for a while, and I take a "hands off" approach as much as possible.

When I have a "flare," it always seems worse in the morning. I have to literally plan my morning around when I *might* have to rush to the bathroom and sit there for an hour. In the past, Imodium usually helped with this, but not now.

Since early December, I've been in a flare and it's the worst one I've ever had. For the first time, I missed 6 days of work last month because of my symptoms. I had my publisher push back a book release because I don't have the energy to finish my edits. Fevers, extreme lethargy and fatigue, right sided abdominal pain, bloating and cramping, and inability to really eat or drink anything without consequences. I self treated with an IV of normal saline over the holiday because I was so dehydrated and it helped. I've been drinking through a straw and that helps, but otherwise, my gut aches and I get nauseated if I take anything by mouth. Imodium has done nothing to stop the diarrhea. I've taken up to 8 a day (yes, 8), with no relief. Little is being digested, as well (TMI), so I'm not surprised I'm so tired--little nutrients and little water do a tired mama make.

So, that's my story. Thank you for letting me share it and get it off my chest. I've rarely left the house in 6 weeks because of this. I have an appointment with a new doctor on the 15th of this month, and a family friend who is a surgeon said he will start my workup if the family doc won't do anything for me (which has been the case so often).

In the meantime, I sleep because I can't get through the day without sleeping every 2-3 hours. So, I'm going to nap again now. :) Nice to meet you all, and thank you for sharing your stories. I'm sure you know the relief of solidarity.

Welcome to the forum I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles.

The upcoming appointment is with a GI? Beyond the normal blood work for inflammatory markers and such it might be a good idea to request the GP or the surgeon friend order a fecal calprotectin stool test. It's an non invasive test that detects inflammation in the GI tract whereas the blood work inflammatory markers are systemic.

Hopefully your new doc can get you in for a colonoscopy/endoscopy to determine if there is IBD or any other issues present.

You also may want to thaw the GP run your vitamin levels since deficiencies in those can give support to the need of further testing.

Good luck.
Hi, welcome to the forum! There are a lot of undiagnosed folks on here, so a lot of us (myself included) have a good idea of what you're going through and are in the same boat. We have an undiagnosed section on the forum if you'd like to join us - here is the link:

I'm sorry to hear that you've been to multiple doctors who didn't take you seriously. I can definitely relate to that frustration (I've been told by one doctor that I "look depressed" so that must be the source of all my problems - ugh). I hope your new doctor is a good one! If the new doctor isn't good, don't give up. I'm glad to hear you have a surgeon friend who is helping you out, I hope between your friend and the new doc that you can get some answers!

Oh, and nothing is TMI on the forum, so please don't worry about that. We all experience things that nobody would talk about in public, but we're free to talk about any and all of it on here - I promise, nobody will judge you or get grossed out if you talk about this stuff as we've pretty much all been there & done that ourselves. :)

And if I may say so, your jobs both sound interesting! There's quite a difference between being an EMT and a romance novelist (at least I imagine there must be a big difference) so I'm intrigued as to how you found yourself in these two different lines of work.

Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. Welcome and I'm glad you found us! Please let us know how it goes on the 15th.
Thanks for the welcome, everyone.

Cat- It is a weird combo of professions, isn't it? I've always loved to write and figured it was time I got serious about it. Took me 7 years to finish my first novel! Now, it goes a little quicker, thankfully. :)
Welcome to the forum, and yes that is quite the combination lol. Did you finally see the doctor? How'd it go?

Yes, I did. Just yesterday. I posted a new thread with an update. My liver enzymes are all off. I'm reading up now, and it seems to be a common thread between Crohn's and abnormal liver tests. Hoping to hear from my Dr. today. o_O