Hi everyone hope you all are as well as can be morning evening and good night to some of you lol seen my specialist today basically he seems to think that my mri will be the first step into seeing what's going on in totally agree with him abscess number one lead to fistula number twould wich led to a cavity inside me wichick is now filling up times two and discharging it's self so in between all this is get infections and need antibiotics my guts are turned upside down with the antibiotics wich causes diarrhoea and interupped menstrual bleeding three a month to be precise I told him I was lacking in folate I can't understand? I also get mouth ulsers wich I couldn't get to tell him and the other thing I wanted to ask was what would be the possible reasons for all this to have started in told him I seen my food floating around in the toilet bowel for the first time when this all started and I didn't get to tell him before all this every one would same to me about having a low immune system cause I always suffer terrible with infections or cold and flu I understand it will have mri then see him and discuss the next step into fixing the filling cavity and then colonoscopy down the line wich could be 3 months away from what I gather.this forum has been fab for support and reading stories I can't contribute a lot cause I don't know what's going on with myself however having a sounding board helps so much I'm not asking for diagnosis at all let me stress but he said he's unsure that this is Crohn's and he could be right but I wanted to ask do I sound like any of you has any one else experienced this ? Much love appreciate any feedback and anticipated mother who wants to return to any state of normality lol xx