First cold on Humira - what to expect?

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Dec 14, 2013
I took my third dose of Humira on Thursday. I now do one injection every two weeks. Friday, got sick with horrible sinus headache, congestion, feverish. I didn't know that sinus congestion was a side effect of the drug. I guess I was so focused on the cancer risks, sigh.
So, I'm day three of feeling pretty awful but feeling a little better than day before.
With my newly suppressed immune system, what should I except when I get sick with colds/sinus congestion? How does my body fight off the infection?!
In your experience, does the cold just last longer? I've always had sinus issues and allergies so I have a full arsenal of OTC meds. I'm going to talk to my allergy doc and get feedback from him. I guess my concern is how long do I just ride the cold out before it gets really bad and am at the doctor with an infection or worse.
If there's a plus side here, my crohns symptoms are pretty much gone and I feel great.
Seattle, WA

Don't sweat it. In my opinion the clod is coincidental and you had the bug in your system prior to taking the H.

Relax, as long as you do not have fever, I'd say it's a common cold.

I've been on H for 5 years. I get the same upper resiratory cold/infection every year as I have always gotten for the past 60 years.

Take care and Good Luck.