First remicade treatment…had a few questions

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Jul 13, 2015
First remicade treatment…had a few questions

I am having my first remicade treatment this week. I was on humira for about a year, when it was discovered that I developed an immunity to the med.
I was wondering if anyone has had success on remicade without taking another medicine that suppresses the immune system.
I am currently on entocort, but only for a few months…due to my medical history its risky to be on much more than remicade at once. I am just wondering if I built antibodies to the humira quickly because I was taking it alone. Any feedback about remicade would b much appreciated, Thank you. Feeling a bit nervous
One more question… How come there is more of a chance of having an allergic reaction to remicade instead of humira? That is y I chose humira to begin with…it seemed safer because I didn't have to take benadryl beforehand. Wish me luck hope my body responds well to the new med.