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Jul 13, 2010
Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is GutlessWonder. I am a female dxed at age 12 w/Crohn's. Received my ileostomy at age 17 2 weeks before my 18th birthday when all other avenues failed. My entire colon was inflamed, had 2 fistulas w/a few more starting ,many abscesses, and polyps. I tried everything( prednisone & Sulfadine) that was available back in the 1980's including diet therapy which failed.

The ileostomy saved my life. I was able to get my life back and graduate on time to get my Regents diploma in high school. I even got an award--The I Dare You award--I had no idea about it...I thought it was because I dared to come back to school after being out 1/2 the yr. but it was due to showing strength in character in the face of adversity. I went on to get my Associate Degree w/honors even though I had to take a semester off for more surgery.

Anyway, I joined the CCFA back when I was 12 but my parents attended most of the meetings as I was too young to really understand what IBD really was just that I had bad stomach aches all the time and my butt really hurt. It got really worse in high school to the point where I'd do my home work in the bathroom and I'd even sleep on the toilet. That was no life for me to live plus I was in constant pain 24/7. I was fortunate enough to meet some ostomates before my surgery because my GI ran the local support group. That made a HUGE difference in my acceptance of my new plumbing.

I've been a member since 1986 and even became president of the group yrs. later for 20 yrs. until I had my stroke 5 yrs. ago. Then I had to step down so I could concentrate on regaining my strength since it affected my entire right side.

Having Crohn's has taught me to never give up no matter what, take things one day at a time, stop and smell the roses once in a while or I may miss what's passing me by, and that it does feel good to volunteer and give back to other by volunteering for CCFA and the local ostomy support chapter.

I still counsel new ostomates as well as their family and friends in regards to care/maintenance of the appliance, helpful hints, and listen at times when they have a bad day if their CD flares up. I'm really glad that this forum exists b/c I'm prone to bowel obstructions & just had a partial one 2 weeks ago. It really stinks b/c I feel so alone when it happens & sore when I get home. I wish all the Crohnies here a life time of remission!!!
Hi Gutless and :welcome:

WOW, what a ride you've had. I'm so glad you found us, you have so much knowledge and experience to offer! I love your attitude an approach to life. :)

I hope things are settling down for you and you are on the road to recovery from your latest setback. Please stick around and keep us posted on how you are doing.

All the best and take care,
I'm a new ostomate...just got Oscar in December last year. Loved your story, glad to see that you're so positive :) Welcome to the forum!
Thanks. Oh, I forgot to mention, when I received my 1st stoma, I named it Phil the bag. (get it--fill the bag?? lol) Years later, I met and married (believe it or not) my husband named Phil so when I had my surgery this past Oct. due to 3 strictures & my small intestines tangled up w/in a hernia that caused severe pain for over a year, I changed the name to Bob b/c it bobs up and down. Also, whenever I'd be talking to my BFF (also an ostomate due to UC) and mention that Phil was being a pain in my butt or getting on my nerves, she'd be like which Phil, the bag Phil or your hubby, Phil there would be confusion at times.

So I decided to change the name out of respect for my wonderful and supportive husband of 13 years & because I finally received a new stoma that works w/o any strictures, I have my life back!! Special thanks to an awesome surgeon who took the time to listen to me & followed up after the last surgeon whom I fired really did a number on me.
Thanks. Oh, I forgot to mention, when I received my 1st stoma, I named it Phil the bag. (get it--fill the bag?? lol) Years later, I met and married (believe it or not) my husband named Phil so when I had my surgery this past Oct. due to 3 strictures & my small intestines tangled up w/in a hernia that caused severe pain for over a year, I changed the name to Bob b/c it bobs up and down. Also, whenever I'd be talking to my BFF (also an ostomate due to UC) and mention that Phil was being a pain in my butt or getting on my nerves, she'd be like which Phil, the bag Phil or your hubby, Phil there would be confusion at times.

Hi GW and welcome, you get my vote for the most clever screenname!! I've seen you around so I know you're not completely new but welcome officially. Haha, GutlessWonder, that's good:).

Here you go, I'm awarding you this to go with your other fab award!
well done, love your outlook and a very big welcome to our family
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hey Lisa,

I'm glad you seem to be enjoying this community. It's great to see you on here. Thank you for writing your story for us. God bless

welcome. sounds like youve been through a lot! im glad you decided to go back to school and take crohns day by day. it has certainly changed my life in this way. i can also share the experiences of the bathroom! i often find myself writing my reports in there haha. i also want to join the ccfa here and go to the meetings but im afriad to go alone. good luck with finding relief!
Welcome to the site, GW!! I, too, love your sense of humor! You should get on well here. We are all needing a good laugh once in a while....

Well have an extremely supportive group here, both "bag-wearers" and "non-bag-wearers"....and as someone expecting to obtain a bag in the near future, I hope you stick around so I can pick your brain as well as the others!! LOL!!

Stay healthy!!
Hi GutlessWonder,

Great story. So you were president of CCFA?

Here's a question...Do you know of anyone in the rankings of CCFA that has spoken about or addressed the role of hormone levels during pregnancy, and how pregnancy seems to bring about remission? I've read a few posts here about it, and was wondering if anyone has started any type of research.

Thanks for joining us and welcome.
No, sorry for the confusion, I was president of the local ostomy group. if you check out the site there is tons of stuff on female hormones and IBD. They have released some new brochures on such topics as well. Thanks for the welcome.
Welcome GutlessWonder! With your experience you could be a real help to a lot of folks here. Glad you joined us, I love the below paragraph you wrote, what great advice!

"Having Crohn's has taught me to never give up no matter what, take things one day at a time, stop and smell the roses once in a while or I may miss what's passing me by, and that it does feel good to volunteer and give back to other by volunteering for CCFA and the local ostomy support chapter."
:D:DAll I can say is WOW!!! I am deeply touched by everyone here. I really do feel welcomed here compared to other sites I've tried to join only to be spammed or verbally attacked personally.

Thank you so very much from the bottom of my pancreas. That's like from the bottom of my heart but only deeper. If anyone has questions about ostomy care or life w/an ostomy, feel free to ask away. I've had 23 yrs. experience w/Bob. Same thing goes with Crohn's.
:ybiggrin:Here's something I'd like to share: whenever I'd have surgery, I would always write something on my ostomy bag--this last time I wrote Thank you OR staff and Dr. B.

Other times I've written--I AM the pt. they've warned you about, Crohn's S*X, and whenever I'd have to be scoped via the ostomy, I'd write this for my favorite GI--I am Dr. C's FAVORITE PT!! :) FAN OF DR. C :), Going Where no1 has gone B4. YEP, they really know me at the hospitals I frequent. lol
Welcome sweetheart! :)

Funny story about Phil the bag! I love your positive outlook on things. You will be a resource to this forum, for sure!

Big hug,
Welcome and thank you for sharing your story. It is truly inspiring! I'm sure all of your experience will be a great asset to the forum.

Still chuckling over "Phil the bag...." !!!

- Amy