Sorry, I am traveling around on a bus right now, seeing Washington DC.
You guys have it all covered already. One other thing I like about Krill Oil is the shelf life is much longer than Fish Oil. I used Fish Oil for a while, but I could taste it after, and they say if it has a fishy aftertaste, it may be rancid.
I do not have to worry about that with Krill Oil, and I do not have to take as much.
In general, the bigger the creature the oil comes from, the more Mercury and other toxins can accumulate in it. Krill are small, and naturally have little Mercury in them. I think most Fish Oil is tested for this anyway, but I would rather not have that be an issue at all.
It is not necessarily a treatment for Crohn's, but it can help with some of the symptoms. Most everyone should use one or the other, even if they have no health problems. We simply do not get enough Omega 3 through diet any longer.
I would agree that Krill Oil has more anti-inflammatory properties than Fish Oil.