Hi, My flare ups are getting more frequent. I have had two in the past three weeks. Both of which took 2 1/2 days to get over. I will describe my flare up to you, then ask a couple of questions.
Day 1 - Severe stomach cramps and severely constipated. I will also throw up clear liquid several times. I usually burp when this happens. I can not do anything or eat anything for 24 hours.
Day 2 - The stomach cramps lessen slowly thru the course of the day. Near the end of the day, I begin to have bowel movements. Very firm at first, loosening more and more thru the evening until it is just water. I may be able to eat broth or soup run thru a blender very late in the day.
Day 3 - Almost back to normal. Stomach muscles sore from all the cramping. Very weak, only able to do light to moderate activities.
First question - Does this sound familiar to anyone out there ?
Second question - I think but am not sure that the flare up is caused by something that I ate. I try to stick to a low fiber diet. That has become very boring. But I am unable to figure out what food triggers the flare up. Any ideas ? ? ?
Final question - The primary issue with the flare up seems to be that I am severely constipated. Is there anything that will immediately relieve the constipation ? ? ? I am considering prunes or prune juice. Does this sound like a possible solution ? ? ?
Thanks in advance, les
Day 1 - Severe stomach cramps and severely constipated. I will also throw up clear liquid several times. I usually burp when this happens. I can not do anything or eat anything for 24 hours.
Day 2 - The stomach cramps lessen slowly thru the course of the day. Near the end of the day, I begin to have bowel movements. Very firm at first, loosening more and more thru the evening until it is just water. I may be able to eat broth or soup run thru a blender very late in the day.
Day 3 - Almost back to normal. Stomach muscles sore from all the cramping. Very weak, only able to do light to moderate activities.
First question - Does this sound familiar to anyone out there ?
Second question - I think but am not sure that the flare up is caused by something that I ate. I try to stick to a low fiber diet. That has become very boring. But I am unable to figure out what food triggers the flare up. Any ideas ? ? ?
Final question - The primary issue with the flare up seems to be that I am severely constipated. Is there anything that will immediately relieve the constipation ? ? ? I am considering prunes or prune juice. Does this sound like a possible solution ? ? ?
Thanks in advance, les