Flare up? getting pain

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Sep 15, 2011
flare up? getting pain


im getting pain along my hip line, three inches away from my right hip. abount central between my belly button and hip (lower down than the belly button of course).

its like a stinging pain as though someone has a knife and is trying to scratch their way out.

its coming and going, and i dont get any pain when pressing in.

is this a flare up? when i last told my ibd nurse she didnt really do anything. im worried itll carry on to the point where i have an op, like last time.. in the similar area (july this year i had op along the right side of my belly button, above the area im getting pains now).

what should i be doing? is it a flare up or just stinging pains from nerves post op?
It sounds like it's been going on for a while then? I'd make a doc appointment. You know your body best and this is obviously worrying you. If it turns out to be nothing serious ( which I'm hoping ) at least it will put your mind at rest.
that's been happening to me too. I called my nurse and she just told me to rest and if I still have pain in my stomach the day after, I should just call the clinic early in the morning.

I don't know if it's a flare or not cause this is my first time since I found out I had Crohn's.

I hope you feel better cause it sucks to be sick.
Hello palwe, I am sorry you are suffering so much. I hate to say this but what you are saying is VERY COMMON for us w/ crohns. I don't have any advice that I can offer, but I can offer my sympathy and say that you are certainly not alone.