Flare up?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 8, 2012
I am not to sure I have crohn's not been diagnosed. I was wondering if this could be related. I had bad nausea and stomach pain after I ate about 4 years ago. I was eventually told that it seemed to be an ulcer starting so take prilosec for 2 weeks. That cleared that up. 2 years later I had another spell where my stomach was hurting bad all the time and worse after I ate. I was getting diarrhea everyday. I eventually figured out it was something I was eating. I stopped dairy and symptoms went away. Now 2 years later after being on doxycycline for about 10 months last year it seems to be starting over. I have been dairy free for over a year now. I know the antibiotics have messed me up. Even with taking the antibiotics could my symptoms be associated with the past times my stomach hurt? Something like a flare up. Also I have been battling with dissecting cellulitis on scalp for 3 years and have folliculitis for a couple months. Could this be related to my stomach trouble?
It sounds to me like you have a lot to rule out before jumping to Colitis or Crohn's Disease. That's a good thing! I would make an appointment with a gastroenterologist and get checked out, rather than trying to list all of the other stuff it could be and have you check boxes and try to guess.

Good luck!