Flaring again

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Oct 13, 2008
flaring again

I was feeling so good for the past couple of weeks. I started having problems after thanksgiving and then things have just gone from bad to worse. It's like the pentasa just quit doing anything. I called my GI but still haven't gotten a response, and I really don't want to wait until the 23rd to talk to him. I'm going to ask about humira at my next visit now that I have insurance. Hopefully I can at least give it a try. My old insurance from my last job wouldn't pay for it. I just can't handle being stuck in this house (bathroom) mostly. It's been over 20 times today easy, and I can't even get to sleep. It's like every 30 min! This definately shouldn't be happening while I'm on meds. I miss having a life, I miss having my own apartment, I miss having a job (never thought I'd say that). I'm also having to go through all this SSI stuff, stuff I had to fill out for medicaid, and I know I'm going to get denied. It seemes like everyone gets denied the first time. I don't want to go on disability and don't see the entire point of giving my entire medical/work history to them.

UGH I'm just tired with bloody raw butt and no sleep :( I'm going to take a little imodium tomorrow even though my GI says it may cause problems. I have to give my rear a rest and get fully hydrated again. Staying on top of my water intake is hard today. I just keep asking myself will this ever end? This has been the worst year I've had with this disease and it has to get better. I hope I can at least try humira and see if it helps. If not I want to talk about surgical options. I have no life right now...seriously. Something has to change.
I'm sorry to hear that your feeling this way! Why do you have to wait untilthe 23 to talk to your GI? Thats way too long to keep going the way you are. Once you get intouch with your GI tell him you need to start on something else ..going to the bathroom over 20 times in one day is bad. Stay hydrated, whatever you do. I hope you and your butt feel better :)
I really hate it when it gets to the point that you are constantly on the toilet. People have no idea how draining it is! Then to make things worse all you want to do is get some sleep and rest.... but wait... oh no... here we go again. You just want to get on with you life but CD can spoil this at times. All i can say is ride out the rough patches and make the most of the good ones. I hope things clear up soon and you can get some rest.
Venting again.....Long post probably. My brother had to have open heart surgery (he got a worse genetic defect then I did) and is recovering at my new place since he is on the outs with his wife right now. I'm lucky enough to work out of home so I can take care of him.

Anyway, he's been in and out of the hospital about every 2 days for the past 2 weeks, very stressful around here just to take care of him and myself. Before this we hadn't even talked since Thanksgiving, and before that it was on our birthday (we're twins). It's all just wierd and stressfull and I suddenly started flaring bad. Bloody bad. If it stays bloody until morning I'll go to the ER. I'm in the middle of a bankruptcy and really don't want to add any bills to it if I have to.

Then to top it off he's stealing some of my pain meds. I only take them at times like these when I'm really hurting, and he has his own from his surgery, so I'm pretty pissed about that. My parents aren't happy with either of us right now so I don't have anyone to really turn to or talk to. It's great to have my brother here living with me but I hate him lying to me.

Odd funny part is they took his gallbladder out while they were in there and now he's having chronic D too. It might just be the antibiotics he's on, who knows. But it's funny when he says he's so glad I have tucks wipes and he already learned that calmoseptine can be your best friend.

Very frustrated and just venting..............
aw jon that totally sucks.
sorry that you are feeling crappy and have to worry about your brother and finances on top of it all.
hide your pain meds!! put them somewhere where he cant find them, heck even lock them up in a drawer or something! if hes in that much pain and needs a new script or something then thats between him and his doc, you need to watch out for yourself too.

i hope the stress will get better soon, wel all know it doesnt help.
take care :)