Flaring Away From Home

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Jan 7, 2011
I’ve been feeling pretty good for the past several weeks. I still had some symptomatic days, but overall, I was doing well. I even thoroughly enjoyed a cruise to the Caribbean in early June! I thought I was on the road to remission.

But this past week I had a few bad days and then BAM! I woke yesterday morning in a full flare. And the icing on the cake was the night before I had driven 5 hours north to RI to attend my brother & sister-in-law’s housewarming party. Luckily the pain wasn’t too bad, mainly a dull ache in my LRQ and rectal pressure. But I passed a lot of mucus and blood 10+ times yesterday. It wasn't easy managing away from home with a house full of people around.

Things settled down in the evening and my husband was able to drive us home; there’s no place like home. And things are a bit quieter today. But what did I do wrong? Perhaps since I was feeling so well I was being more daring with my diet? I just don’t know. When I welcome someone to the forum, I usually say you will have your good days and your bad days. I know this is just one of my bad days and good days are to come, but I just want to say the bad days suck!

PS – I have a routine GI appointment on Friday. I was considering canceling, because I was doing so well. Good thing I didn’t!
Yeah Jill! keep the appt, and talk to your doc, and hopefully this is a mini flare and might not escalate!
You've done nowt wrong hun! ya know it's such an unpredictable bitch!
Just try and rest this one out and take it easy
What a tough day, Jill. You didn't do anything wrong. Even if you were more adventurous in your eating, the only way you can know which foods your body is tolerating right now is by trying. You're a star for getting through a hard day away from home and helping your family celebrate having a new home -- when you might have wanted nothing more than to run home right away. Fingers crossed that you are back to feeling better really soon.
Thanks for the support, guys. Yesterday was really tough. But today has been much better. I had very little mucus and blood, but that dull ache in my LRQ will not quit. Hopefully, nothing more will come of it and this was just a mini-flare.
Hey Jill, glad to hear you're feeling better today. Let us know what the doc says - I know she's reluctant to give you stronger meds because you don't have a firm dx but if you feel like you need something more, make sure you get it. Hope you continue to improve :).
Hey Jill - I am so sorry to hear about your bad day! I hope it passes quickly, I know you had been doing quite well lately and I had hoped that you might get cleared from the "possible Crohn's" diagnosis! Good luck at the doc.

Oh, and in answer to your "what did I do wrong" question.... you know the answer to that is NOTHING! Sometimes these things just happen!

Hang in there, hope you are feeling better quick!

xo- Ames
hey jill hang in there i know what you mean and hope your doing better

hey jill hang in there i know what you mean and hope your doing better i am still feeling awful nothing has let up any with me the stomach pain and diarrhea,throwing up are getting worse but the good thing is i go to my GI doctor wed to find out what to do next and if i do have crohn's or not and if i do i need to get on a treatment right away i want so bad to feel better and go into remission with crohn's i am going to do a post after i get done with them comment again hang in there jill
Oh Jill I'm so sorry to hear this but it is good to read that you are feeling a little better.

I hope things continue to pick up for you hun and good luck with your appointment on Friday!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Thanks to all for the encouragement. Unfortunately, I am feeling awful again today. So much for hoping for a quick flare. I have phoned my GI, and I am waiting to hear back. At times the pain is really bad, and I just don't know what to do. Also, it can't be good losing so much blood. I hope she calls back soon with some advice.
I am seeing my GI tomorrow morning. I will post an update after the visit. I am a little scared because I think she wants to scope me without any sedation. AH!
I am seeing my GI tomorrow morning. I will post an update after the visit. I am a little scared because I think she wants to scope me without any sedation. AH!

oh hell no, not with out sedation:stinks:!! I say this as I am facing my first ever scope!!

I survived the scope without sedation. It wasn't too bad. However, the scope didn't provide much answers. Doc saw some red areas, but "nothing jaw dropping" to use her terminology. So, where the heck did all the blood and mucus come from? Doc doubts it would come from further up as the blood wouldn't appear as bright red. Several biopsies were taken, so I will wait to hear the results. However, I do have a full colonoscopy set up for September.

Thanks again to all for providing me support! This place is such a blessing!
Hi, Jill. I have been in a similar situation as you. I thought that I was in remission for about a month and a half, then I started getting really tender in my lower left (my "regular" ouchy bleeding spot). I haven't had any bleeding (knock wood), but have had a lot of indigestion, and tenderness and swelling "down there." It's really frustrating because I find myself asking the same questions as you - What did I do different? Why now? The only thing that I did differently was start iron pills about a month ago because my RBC count was lower that it should have been. I am trying to hang in there and think positively, but I sure am frustrated and scared that I could have a bad flare again. I hope that you are starting to feel better!
Hi Jill - I guess it's good that they didn't find anything "jaw dropping", but you must be scratching your head as to what is causing the symptoms!

Hope things get better for you real soon - did the doc give you anything for this flare up, if that's what it is? Or is it just steady as she goes??

xo - Ames
Hi Jill! What a bummer to happen on your vacation. I am glad that you are feeling a little better, that nothing, "jaw dropping," was found. What a fluke!
Its a good idea to have some prednisone on hand to bring when on vacation just in case of flare. Its no fun to flare away from home.
Thanks for the replies, guys. I am still battling this flare. I didn't go to the bathroom at all on Thursday or Friday, which was causing some concern - going to the bathroom is never an issue! But today, I have been in and out of the bathroom again with very loose stools and loads of mucus & blood. I had been very cautious with my diet this week, but last night I had some goldfish (my favorite!) and chicken salad. I am not sure if this is what did it or I am just making up for the last two days.

@Amy - I sure am scratching my head. She said red blood would most likely be coming from low down, but she saw nothing. So where does it continue to come from?? My only other trouble area in the past was my TI - could bright red blood be coming from there? Also, Doc did give me a script for cortisone enemas. But I was apprehensive to take them because a) she didn't really see any inflammation and b) they didn't seem to help too much last time. However, I think I am going to cave and try them for a few days. I hope they help - my bum hurts!!!!

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