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About two weeks, but the results were there in two days. Really remarkable, but then I was a heavy milk drinker and bread eater . . . totally contrary to FODMAP
It's terrific that you saw a result that quickly. It's even more terrific that a doctor suggested that a diet change could help your IBD.

My daughter's Crohn's symptoms were dramatically better in only a few days on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It seemed too good to be true.

Hope you continue to be well!
Good. Note that the FODMAP diet is, among other things, a sort of good carbs/ bad carbs diet; eliminating gluten, fructose, etc.

The first sign of efficacy was a dramatic drop in flatulence (for a milk drinker/ bread eater). :ywow::ywow:

It was recommended by the head of the C & C team as UT Southwest, as was the VSL 3.

This after almost 20 years of Asacol and bad diet - with iffy results.
I'm happy for your positive results, James! I remember when I switched my diet and the change was ... immediate. After months and months of pain the pain, discomfort just stopped, seemingly overnight. Hopefully you can get well enough and strike a balance between the food that makes you feel good and the food that you like to eat!
My son has also had great results with the FODMAP diet. He has been following it since mid November. He used to have daily abdominal pain and that has disappeared. He too had been a heavy milk drinker and bread eater.

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