I had "Resless legs" so bad up until about 7 years ago. I had it for about 15 years, mostly at night, but I could be laying down watching TV and my legs would jurk about every min or so. But most of the time it was at night, just as I was almost asleep, you know, in that I'm not sleeping yet but I kinda am. and my legs would jurk and wake me up. Sometimes this would last for hours and I wouldn't get much sleep at all and the next day at work have a hard time staying awake. I did ALL KINDS of reserch on it and it like crohns in they way that they don't know the cause. Well after years I went to my Dr. and said "you have to do something about this. He gave me a RX for some meds that were made just for Ressless legs, but it cost $195.00 a month. I did more reserch on the net and found that they can also treat it with "Klonopin" now don't say "more pills or dope yet." only 1/2mg before bed time and after years of this it was GONE. Like someone turned off a switch. I take 1mg at bedtime now and have been for years and it has never come back. I know thats the last thing we want to do is start taking "BENZOIDS" but if you had it as bad as I did, you would consider it. Just don't take anymore than that. thay are very adictive. I have not had the urge to take more than just the 1mg at bedtime so I say, what the heek, I'm 61 years old and sleep like a baby now and have been for years. In regards to leg and foot cramps, if you take pain meds like Norco "AS NEEDED" and you have taken them for a week or so and then stop or cut back by 1/2 this can make you have cramps. I have to take Norco for spine issues and when I cut back I ALWAYS get leg cramps , really bad sometimes. I don't need pain meds for crohns now but there was a time when I did. Good luck, and thank you for all your input on this.