Im new with crohn's (found out in jan 2010 that i have it). I spent a week in the hospital and we on the ice cube diet lol. since then the meds that i am on have made me feel prettty good. not much pain only when i eat something that upsets my stomach. my friends were great in the begining. but lately i feel like im being left out. we use to go out to resturants alot more than i realised. anyways for st patty days i get a message from my best friend telling me that everyone is going out. but one of them wants to go out to dinner. so she'll call me when their done eatting. im not ready to eat resturant food 1. im not sure how my stomach will handle it. 2. i've lost 25 lbs from watching with im eatting and working out. but i have not problem going to a resturant and hanging out with them, i just wont order anything. but they said they feel uncomfortable eatting in front of me. which i get but they have no problem drinking in front of me, when i cant drink cuz of the meds im on. this is the third or forth time this has happened. i try to suggust order things to do but some how that never works out. Sorry for the rant. i could be over reacting. just feel so alone lately. maybe its the meds. pred 15mg a day, i hear this stuff messes with you.