Friends and crohn's

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Jan 27, 2010
Im new with crohn's (found out in jan 2010 that i have it). I spent a week in the hospital and we on the ice cube diet lol. since then the meds that i am on have made me feel prettty good. not much pain only when i eat something that upsets my stomach. my friends were great in the begining. but lately i feel like im being left out. we use to go out to resturants alot more than i realised. anyways for st patty days i get a message from my best friend telling me that everyone is going out. but one of them wants to go out to dinner. so she'll call me when their done eatting. im not ready to eat resturant food 1. im not sure how my stomach will handle it. 2. i've lost 25 lbs from watching with im eatting and working out. but i have not problem going to a resturant and hanging out with them, i just wont order anything. but they said they feel uncomfortable eatting in front of me. which i get but they have no problem drinking in front of me, when i cant drink cuz of the meds im on. this is the third or forth time this has happened. i try to suggust order things to do but some how that never works out. Sorry for the rant. i could be over reacting. just feel so alone lately. maybe its the meds. pred 15mg a day, i hear this stuff messes with you.
Ahhhh... I know what you mean. For some reason family/friends can get really weird about food. I think it's because they really want us to be well and not have to worry about what we're eating, and sometimes I think they feel kinda guilty that they can eat whatever they want and we can't. Either way, I know how isolated you feel. I'm the one sitting in the buffet with a cup of water while everyone's asking me "isn't there anything you can eat here?". Um, no, actually.

I don't know a good way to deal with this. What is it about food? I laughed when you said no one worries about drinking in front of you when you can't - that's so true! So why should food be such a big freaking deal????

I think I'm ranting, too! Oh well, I'll blame it on the pred....
I concur! The pred makes us all a little edgy and with a short fuse! I agree with Inky that other people feel guilty about the food issue. It's like having your former running buddy suddenly be in a wheelchair and you can't go running together anymore. Well, that person can still roll along, and we can still "roll along" at a restaurant and hang out while others eat! We just want to be included!

Maybe you can have a heart-to-hear with your friends and let them know how you feel. Just tell them you will eat before you join them and you would love to just hang out with them.

And at the end of the day, you can always hop on the Crohn's Forum and vent to your friends who really understand where you are coming from!

Take care - Amy
yeah i think that is a common situation we all get put in , ninja.

its like, after turning down 5 invites, the invitations stop coming. and they say its because they knew i was sick and didnt want me to feel bad.

its nice and thoughtful, but it still stings a bit. i njust try to keep in mind that tere is NO possible way in hell that they can understand this disease, my choices, and my life. i find its easier to not get mad at them when i dont expect anything different in the first place you know?

i agree that you could take to your friends and make sure thhey KNOW that youre ok with them eating in front of you. and make sure they know that any frustrations you may demonstrate over the food, is not because of them at all.

i was on the scd for a while, and i didnt want my family to not eat what they wanted, but like when the pizza was in front of me and i have a piece of chicken???
its annoying as hell! but im not annoyed at anyone, just at the fact that im sick and on this stuid diet in the first place.

that kind of thing you know?

good luck with it, i hope you get to hang out and have more fun soon !
Hi Lilninja

Try not to get too paranoid about this, Pred certainly makes you paranoid!
Talk to them and explain that you'll eat your own special diet beforehand, but also ask them not to tip toe around you and avoid the fact that you're ill with a condition and that you're a Crohnie!
I'm assuming that you're all young uns, so it's hard for you all, they'll want to do right by you, they just don't know how! So tell them how
good luck, and stay focused, but vent away here, by all means, cos we understand
I agree with having a heart to heart. It is the best way to handle this problem. They probably don't understand CD that well and don't want to make you feel bad about them eating.
I had the same situation years ago and I had a talk with them and we're still best of friends. We do a lot together and when things are bothering me they understand and treat me the same as if I were okay. They even have fun teasing me in a good way. I always tell them things like "yeah, but I'm not the one putting on extra pounds" or "yeah, well I still have all my money in my pocket,"