Frustrated :(

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 20, 2009
frustrated :(

Hi everyone!
I haven't been on here for way too long!
I was hoping ya'll would have some advice for me or are going through the same thing.

about two months ago, I was admitted to the hospital for two weeks for bleeding. This is the first time I've been in the hospital for my Crohns!! I had intestinal bleeding for a. week and a half. For the past 5(?) Years, i've had three Gastros and all have passed me to another because they dont understand why I'm still ill. All of my blood work, tests and everything they run on me, comes back normal and good, yet I'm still sick and end up in the hospital. I am only almost 21 and I'm hoping to go back to school in January but I dont see that happening unless I feel better. Has this happended to anyone else? I feel like a special case when my gastros say" i'm not sure" :( I'm so frustrated!!!

A background on me if it helps.
Diagnosed when I was 10.
Never truly been in remission
failed meds that I can remember: Pentasa, 6mp, amitriptaline, aprizo, asacol
current meds: remicade, prednisone
Sorry to read about what's been happening. Have you spoken to school about being unwell? I've got a friend with crohn's and her school was really helpful with everything. They're letting her do her work from home and anything she misses they try and fill her in via email. Maybe it's worth talking to them. It might help put your mind at ease if you're worrying about January and what will happen. Hopefully by then you'll see improvement though.
I can imagine it's really frustrating. Is the prednisone making any difference? How about diet? When I was bleeding, I was told to avoid too much yeast and sugar in my diet.
I really hope things get better for you asap. I know how you feel when tests come back ok but yet it's so annoying because you simply want an answer. Hang in there.
Thank you for responding. I suppose my post was more of a vent then anything. :)

The prednisone did work! Like it usually does. I was on 40 Mg via IV in the hospitpal. When I left the hospital, i was on it orally and it really was working. Then I started weaning off of it. I am now on 10 Mg and my symptoms are starting to come back. I being held at 10 Mg and my gastro(s) said that I could be on it for up to a year!