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Aug 13, 2010
Was wondering how many fellow crohnies had been diagnosed with gallstones? As I've heard it's quite common.

I started with pain in oct, and was told it was acid reflux, and popped on omeprazole, the pain stopped and I finished my course.

All was well till jan when it started again, again I was told acid reflux.

Then it got really bad and the dr sent me for a scan and also popped me back on omeprazole.

I had to come off the omeprazole though cos it made me bleed (even though I'd been fine)

Anyway the scan showed gallstones, lots, but small, but I'm waiting to see the surgeon (on fri 19th eek) because my livers not behaving lol

I'm fine though now since cutting ALL fat and grease out of my diet, (my crohns had even been better) and I've lost over 2 stone (is good, shows how well my remission has been cos I was a big lady!), I feel great where the gallstones are concerned

but...I'm so scared about surgery, I've heard you can have loose stools when you don't have a gallbladder, but what if you already do cos of crohns?
Hi Debs, I have had a laproscopic surgery with taking out my gallbladder. Best thing I ever did. It was easy and no pain. The only thing was the problem of gas after, because they pump you full of air. So that was uncomfortable.

Because I have been on Prednisone so often (again now) I got a Hiatus hernia and had to use Nexium. The problem with taking ant acids are they rob your body of calcium and so does prednisone.

Bile acids are higher and you could have more diahreah but you have to learn to eat low residue foods and no acidic fruits, or you will pay , simple as that. Try not to worry, worry causes stress and stress aggrivates the gut. Catch 22.

Do you know for sure and when you are having surgery for the gall bladder, laproscopic is the easy way to go, let us know how you do. Good luck.
Hi thankyou for the reply

I don't know if I'm to have surgery, I was told at first that a change of diet may be all that was needed, but my dr told me due to the liver problem it may still need taking out

so it all depends on what the surgeon says, apparantly as I have 4 children they'll do a laproscopy, so I can hopefully be in the hopsital for a short time

I don't like the gas things though lol, thats the reason I hate colonoscopies
Had my gallbladder removed 2 years after having my colon removed. Doc told me it's common for people with "absorbtion issues" to get gallstones.

I had labrocscopic surgery and compared to the three surgeries I had for my colon and j-pouch, it was a piece of cake!

Good luck - hope you feel better soon! - Amy

PS I don't think not having a gallbladder affected my stools.
I had mine out about 4 years after being diagnosed with Crohn's, I had three stones.
The only time I noticed a difference in stools was if I ate something really greasy or fatty. I try to stay away from those foods anyway, but sometimes you just can't help it! :) Surgery was pretty easy, was on "light duty" a couple days and then back to normal. My kids were 4 at the time, so didn't require tons of lifting, etc.
Good luck!
Had mine out 20 years ago along with the bowel resection. No stones, but it was inflamed.

Have had chronic diarrhea ever since.

Like others, greasy food does a real number on me.
My Aunt went through Gall bladder removal by laproscopic surgery. She got discharged from hospital and came home only to suffer from unbearable pain. We took her back to the hospital where her gall bladder sugery was performed. They did all scans and tests and started saying there is no problem with the surgery they have performed and that started treating her for gas. That did not solve the problem and she was suffering from very bad pain. They said they will have a Psychiatrist visit her to help her manage pain. G o o d a r t i c l e I h a v e e n j o y t h a t . . G o o d d y
Long-Term Side Effects of Gallbladder Removal

Although almost 60% people don't face any serious symptoms post surgery, some are not so lucky. They face various symptoms in the long run, which are as follows.
G o o d a r t i c l e I h a v e e n j o y t h a t . . G o o d d y . . . . . . . . ..
In the US, as well as other countries across the globe, various natural cures are gaining popularity. Several doctors are prescribing alternative medicines to treat gallbladder problems and are opting for gallbladder surgery, only as the last resort. This is because of the several painful side effects associated with the surgery. Natural remedies aim to replace gallbladder surgical treatments. In case of gallstones, one can flush them out naturally.
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I had mine removed before I was diag. A few weeks after it was removed I was still in pain, ended up at ER and found out I had Crohns.