Hi evry1! I am a uk citizen and started having rectal bleeding whils abroad abt 2 months ago. After a couple of weeks the doctor noticed 2 small anal fissures and 1 large ulcer which did not look like a regular fissure. The doc abroad prescribed me with rectogesic for one month and when i get back to uk get checked properly since it came suddenly and it may be a sign me ibd. In the meantime i returned home to the uk and now have to wait abt 2 month to see a gastro enterologist. The cream helped to get rid of the 2 smaller fissures, however the large one remained there stubbornly. I am constantly either constipated or have diarrheah. There is still always a little blood on the tissue from the fissure, however i'm still occasionally passing fresh blood from inside. A couple of days ago i started feeling dizzy and started getting stomache cramp and abdominal pain so i went in to the hospital emergency room. After admitting me to a ward the gastroenterologist consultant came to c me and after a short glance said that i have a fissure and the bleeding is coming from there and i should take a fissure ointment and not do any tests. After i told him that i took rectogesic for over a month he said he had never heard of it and that it is probably rubbish ointment that doesn't work! I told him i know for a fact that bleeding is coming from inside and he pushed me away saying i was over anxious and the cramps and pain are also just anxiety!!! I would like to hear from anyone who suffered similarly and from anyone who may be able to give me advice on how to proceed further and how to be checked properly. Many thanx... Sam