Getting discouraged!

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Aug 13, 2011
As some of you might remember, I've been talking about trying to gain weight. I feel that my crohns is finally under control (I think), so I thought I would finally try to tackle the weight issue. The amount of food I take in seems insane! I feel like I'm always eating. Chicken breasts, pork chops, ice cream, lots of fish, granola bars (with nuts/oats), tuna, protein shakes, and many more but that's just to name a few.

I do big workouts every other day, to the point where once I'm done, a piece of paper feels heavy. I literally reach my max everytime I workout, and physically cannot keep going. I do this every other day. (Full body)

I went to a clinic the other day for my first attempt to get some help. Help meaning some type of steroid, or weight gainer. We talked about pros and cons, and I feel educated enough to go ahead with something if the opportunity is there. Although he was very helpful/nice, he did say he didn't feel comfortable giving me anything because he doesn't specialize with crohn's so he wouldn't want to give something that could harm me. I can respect that. He also said I'm healthy weight wise for my height. I'm 5'11.

I have a referral for a G.I in which I'm hoping can really help me out. I'm not set on steroids, and I don't even necessarily need pills to help gain weight, but maybe I'm just eating foods we can't take in and absorb with out crohn's. I do want to do this the smart way. Trust me, the situation has come up many times where people offered steroids, but that's not who I am. I can't just take something without medical advice. Note: I DO NOT take illegal steroids to help me gain weight right now. What I'm doing is strictly food and protein shakes.

Here's the thing. My starting weight was 155lbs. At my peak, I reached 161lbs, pretty quickly. THEN, somehow, and don't ask how, I managed to get down to 152lbs, and I can't get any higher now. How is it possible to lose weight with what I'm doing?! Especially after I've gained it without changing.

This is more for personal preference. Like I said, the doctor said I'm in a normal weight category for my height, but I feel tiny! I want to buk up somehow! What am I doing wrong?!

Sorry to vent, and for the long post.
Other than what you're already doing, I don't have anything to suggest (only thought I had, Ensure, Boost I mentioned to you once before) but are you sure you're really as thin as you think???? I'm not trying to be condescending or anything, only asking because my son is 5'11" and is 160-162 now and certainly doesn't look thin at all (to me or anyone else) - he actually looks to be a very healthy weight. At his last apptmt, his doctor told him he is approximately at the 60th percentile for both height and weight. His weight before becoming sick was approx. 150 lbs (got down to 130ish when diagnosed) and, even at 150, he was always slim but I really don't think anyone would have called him 'skinny'.

Maybe your workouts are too strenuous, even if they are weights and not cardio. To 'lose' weight, often a suggestion is to shock your body by doing 'different' exercises... perhaps to gain weight, the same theory could work - for two to three weeks try something like yoga or pilates. Will still keep your muscles toned but not quite as physically demanding??? I'm certainly not an expert... just a thought.

Good luck! :thumright:
I don't think I'm skinny health wise, but I just want to get bigger to bulk up, and build muscle. I want to be the guy you wouldn't want to mess with, but I would never hurt a fly. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong for thinking this way, but we all have things we want to change. Too me, I'm too skinny. "String bean" is exactly how I feel.

I have tried the ensure before. To me, its just not worth the cost. Here its $12 for 6, and if you've bought them, you know they're tiny. I don't think that I'm lacking in calories, but just maybe I'm getting the wrong calories for my crohns.

Its just frustrating to work so hard for something , only to find out I'm actually doing the opposite of my goal. Ultimately, I'd like to see 180-190 and be in good shape.
Wish I had something constructive to suggest... :frown:

Have you asked your GI? You said you went to a clinic but it wasn't your GI as they didn't know about Crohns... Your GI can't suggest anything?

My son is on the Tolerex formula and, like I said, has gained 30 lbs since being discharged at the end of May. But, it's really expensive to purchase. So far, we're still being covered through CCAC (a provincial agency), however, that will end soon and, so far, insurance is saying no. I think the cost of his current dosage will be approx $1,000 per month.

But, if your GI prescribes this, I believe you may be able to get coverage under Trillium Health Care (you will pay a portion, but they pay the majority). And, your dosage may not be the same as my son's.

I guess it can't hurt to ask???
I'm waiting to hear back from a GI about an appointment, that's the only reason I haven't gone yet. I will definately ask him about that stuff.
Well good luck! Just so you have some info... As far as I know, Tolerex is used for enteral diets (not sure that it will be prescribed 'just' for weight gain...), so you should probably go in with some other reasons for it other than just the weight gain.

My son's GI explained to me exactly why my son was on this treatment and I posted an explanation last week. Might be useful to you if you do decide to mention it to your GI.
I used to laugh when people would say I must eat like a bird, since i was so thin. I ate like a pig though, trying to keep my weight up! Many times people would be surprised at how much I ate when dinning with me.

Weight gain can be more than calories in/calories out. Nutritionist Gary Taubes made an interesting point, I thought, in his popular book. In poorer countries, the over weight people there, often eat small amounts of foods/ few calories a day. It was the poor quality of the food that they ate that packed away the pounds causing them to be obese.

Taubes blog sight about his book ~ "Why we get fat".

Personally what put on the weight for me was cutting out processed foods, wheat, taking lots of vitamin D3 (6000ius for a testing result between 60 to 70ng/ml), and fish oil. Weight lifting helped considerably also. I've put on ruffly 20lbs since I began doing these things.
I am not sure, but pushing yourself that hard every other day may be too much? When I was trying to gain weight (gave up too difficult now at 5'11" 145lbs :() Maybe break it up more with your body and are you eating 6 times a day?

Chicken and rice chicken and rice is what my buddies who have bulked eat.
Beach, I will definately check out that link.
LThuff, I don't think its too much. If you want bigger muscles, the only way to get them to work out and push yourself. I was told if you want to work out to lose weight, you do lower weights, and more reps. Its relatively easy to lift, so your using the repetition to burn calories. To get bigger, you use heavier weights and less reps.

Chicken and rice are two of my favorite foods. We have the most of those foods in the house at all times.

I eat my 3 meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner but then ill grab carrots and dip for a snack, ice cream, granola bars, protein shakes, etc for snacks.
I also try really hard to get 8 bottles of water down a day.
I understand about the weights lighter plus more reps equal lean...but a lot of programs i have seen for bulking especially on have doing upper body one day then lower body etc at high weight and low reps that is what i was getting at.

With the meals if you have 6 normal portions of say chicken and rice per day that jump starts your metabolism to eat away the fat and have more of your intake going to regeneration of your muscles. has a plethora of info and everyone there is great for helping out and know a whole lot more than i do!
Oh I see what you mean by the working out. You can either split it up and do different body parts each day, or you can do full body, every other day. I'm actually on body too but I just figured I would ask here as its more specific with people with crohns.

I eat rice/fried rice quite often, but to eat chicken for 6 meals a day, its just too expensive for me. That's why I have my protein shakes to weigh out the difference. For lunch I usually have fish or ill have those chicken, ham and cheese things.

I was reading that thread about safe/unsafe foods but that's more for affecting crohns, but my question is if I'm eating things that are high in calories, how would I know if my body even absorbs the protein/nutrients from that food, or am I eating the wrong foods that just come out the other end.

Thanks for the replies guys.
There is a product called Two Cal that is designed to help people at least maintain or hopefully gain weight. As the name suggests it has two calories per ml. I have seen it work in the clinical setting, maybe worth a try? Not sure how much it costs though...


Dusty. xxx
I can tell just by looking at that picture that those drinks probably don't taste good lol. If I can find it on the shelf at a store I would definately pick it up and give it a try. Depending on price of course. I'm willing to try anything
Steroids (legal cortico-steroids) - specifically Entocort - was what helped me gain my weight back. Before I was on Entocort, I would eat and eat and still end up losing weight, which was frustrating (I'm a skinny girl to begin with - I'm 5'8" and I was about 136 lbs before I became ill, and dropped down to 115 over the course of a year). When I was on Entocort, I shot up to about 140 lbs pretty quickly. Now I've been off of Ento for about 5 months and I'm maintaining about 135 lbs and feeling good. I lift weights 3x per week, but to get fit and toned rather than bulky. Anyway, long story short, the only thing I found to help me gain weight was the cortico-steroids. I hope you're able to see a GI soon and discuss your options. Good luck!

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