Getting semi-hysterical for no real reason

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Jan 13, 2010
OK, first off let me say that I am not sick at the moment, I do not have any tummy issues, I am not in pain, I am not throwing up, I am feeling fairly normal and life should be GOOD!!

BUT .... we live on top of a mountain, there's snow falling and ice all over everything, the temps are in the low 20s (fahrenheit) and falling rapidly into the teens and I keep playing out a scenario in my mind where I need to get to the ER with, oh, say, a blockage or a perforation or something along those lines and NOT BEING ABLE TOP GET THERE!

*teeth chattering waves of fear flowing for a moment*

I do KNOW this irrational, I do KNOW that I am worrying for worrying's sake, I AM doing all the slow breathing/snapping a rubber band on my wrist stuff that calms me/slaps me back into reality, lol ~ but still .... gosh, I feel alternately icy with fear and then incredibly stupid.

This is the first winter that I've dealt with this. *sigh* Do any of the rest of you guys get this way?
I get lots of anxiety attacks. From things like "am I having a heart attack?" to driving when there are too many people on the road driving like idiots.

Try to relax, I know easier said than done.
I have a panic disorder so I know the feeling all too well. There are a lot of us on here who deal with anxiety. For me it helps to see a therapist on a regular basis to talk about it or whatever I want really or to go over ways to help snap myself out of an attack (there are a lot of methods out there and it takes time to figure out which works for you). I try to remind myself that all I or someone else has to do is call 911 and the emergency staff will figure out the rest whether I need a helicopter or if they just want to sling me over their shoulder and carry me to the hospital themselves. :p But keeping in mind that no one is just going to let you die really helps.
Thanks for the kindnesses. :)

I used to be subject to some pretty bad anxiety attacks, but as I got older I've mellowed alot. This - I think I can call it Health Anxiety, maybe - is something akin to the feeling I would get when my kids were newborns and I was left home alone with them for the first time.
Oh I remember that feeling. It surely isn't pleasant. I think it will get easier as you get used to Crohn's. You kinda have warning on most severe issues. At least thats how it has been for me.
Anxiety is rough.

I suffer from depression / anxiety. Speak to your doctor. There are a lot of treatments out there.

I take Cymbalta and Ativan when it is really bad. When I am on prednisone the anxiety can get really rough.

Hang in there.
I am predisposed to panic because my father had it and my grandfather too...its genetic ...oh wonderful genes I is the damn crohn's..its in the family too on my moms side...anyway...there are great books out there on the disease...yeah if you have it a lot it can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. The nice thing about panic is that you can cognitively change your brain patterns by going through various exercises..A good book i recommend is called "Anxiety, Phobias, and Panic by Reneau Z. Peurifoy. I know there are a ton of books, programs and whatnot out there to help people who suffer from this condition. I found that this book really helped me and rarely have a panic attack anymore and when i do i can go through some techniques and it calms me down pretty fast. I hope this helps.
I understand completely the fear of what if !!
I was feeling rough last night my hubby was in work I had the kids an no credit on my phone just texts, I kept thinking oh no what if I have to phone an ambulance what will happen with the kids how will I text my hubby saying get home NOW I'm calling 999 etc!! Lol an I don't have any anxiety issues ( ok reading it back maybe I have lmao)
I think it's pretty normal as long as you don't make yourself ill over it .
Jen XX
May be worth a youtube search for "Yoga for calmness" , some good videos on there. Or if you want to go in the opposite direction, grab and axe and go chop down a tree, that would release all the nervousness and work your body into a nice calm fatigue. Smooth it out or pound it out.. has usually worked for me. 80% of the time, it works 100% of the time ;)

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