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Does she complain that the leg twitchiness occurs mainly at bedtime? I think you wrote once that she also has it in the morning but is it mainly when the leg is relaxing (just before sleep, after sitting for a long while)? Ask her if it ever happens when she's walking or active?

My experience with RLS is that the sensation doesn't cause or force a 'twitch' or 'shaking', it just demands a 'controlled reaction/movement'... ie flexing the foot/calf or rotating the ankle or giving the leg a stretch will alleviate the sensation for a few minutes (but, only for a few minutes... it seems to start to build again right away! :ymad:) (Sometimes greater movement is needed, ie get up and walk a bit.)

If you were to try to ignore the sensation/deny the urge, I suppose it could result in involuntary movement (twitch) but I think that would be difficult to do every time you feel the sensation ie if your daughter is saying that it 'always' just happens, that would imply that she's denied the urge every time and her body finally forces the twitch. Going from my experience, that would take a lot of control.

Hope this helps you narrow down whether or not it is RLS???
Tess it happens mainly when she sits down and relaxes on her bed but it has happened first thing in the morning before she gets up. I don't think she has any problems when shes walking around.

She was trying to show me what happens ...the leg sort of jumps slightly for a second. And it only happens once every few days.

I was talking to my chiropractor yesterday and he said check her magnesium.
It still seems to sound like RLS to me??? I've never noticed it in the morning but, I'm ALWAYS late getting up in the morning (hit snooze 10 times! :lol:) - by the time I wake, I'm already late so I'm rushing to jump up! There'd be no time for the RLS to build! :D

The way you describe that it sort of jumps slight for a second... yes, I think I can relate that... but does she still have any sensation to move it after that slight 'jump'? Because the way my RLS felt, that slight 'jump' would only be because I've tried to ignore it... but the 'jump' wouldn't have alleviated it.

I'm pretty sure I read on another thread that along with anemia, magnesium deficiency can also contribute to it.

My son had the same sensation, sometimes when lying in bed or sitting in a car and unable to move his legs but he said it was only when he was diagnosed... at that time, his HGB was between 105-115.
Tess i'm not quite sure if she still has the urge to move it after it happens..shes at school at the moment so i'll ask her later.

I remember not long ago she was complaining that her ankle was sore and she said she had to keep walking to make it feel better...i found it strange i thought if her ankle is sore wouldn't it feel better if she rested it. This also only happened at night.

Her eye twitches a fair bit as well so i'm pretty sure magnesium might have something to do with.
Yes Grace had the same thing. She said she was shaky (twitchy). Had to get up and walk around. Only at night. Sure enough, magnesium was low and now that her level is being kept high enough, she's all better. I also have RLS. As long as I'm on my vitamins, I'm good to go. Oh, I get the eye thing to at the same time.
Tess i read out your post and she said that sound like me!!

Apparently after this happens she has to move her leg or go for a walk.

I just spoke to the nurse and the magnesium test is included in the CMP test.
Re the blood test:

CMP - Comprehensive Metabolic Panel is a term that is not commonly used in Australia as we refer to the same test as LFT's and UEC's.

You may find that the CMP blood test that the nurse is referring to stands for Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous.

Dusty. xxx
That explains why I can't find it when search Australia testing labs. Sorry for sending you on the wrong track.

Forgot on add Australia when doing my first search.:ybatty::ybatty:
Interesting that they call that a CMP. I guess different countries different things. Anyway I am going to be very interested to hear the results. When is she having it done?
Kim her next blood test should be done in 2 weeks but we are going to the childrens hospital on Tuesday to get a bone density scan so i thought we might get it done after her test . I should have the results by Wednesday.

This leg thing hasn't happened for a week now.

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