Going back to the drug I was on?

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Sep 23, 2009
I was on a high dose of 6mp and ended up with a severe attack and major surgery. Now my GI wants me back on it again post surgery.

Should I go back on a drug that didn't do much to help first time around?
By attack do you mean flare as opposed to side effect from 6MP?

First up, if you haven't had a TPMT enzyme blood test then I would start with that.
If you have the enzyme to break down the drug then...

When did you have your surgery and are you in remission?
If you are in remission then I would be inclined to give it another go. My reason for this is if you are in remission then you are starting with a clean slate and perhaps the drug will work this time round.

I must say though, I am most likely looking at this from the perspective of my children who have both had success with it's sister drug, Imuran, as a post op maintenance medication.

Dusty. :)
Yeah flare not side effect. I just had the surgery a few weeks ago so I assume I am in remission. Unless it is going to surprise me and return with a vengeance. I think I had that test before I started the drug the fits time.