Good news/Bad news

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Sep 5, 2009
First for the good news I am 7 weeks on Humira now and it seems to be working. I haven't had any pain in my gut for about two weeks. I decided to try an experment and eat something i know would cause a flair so i ate popcorn and guesss what no pain not even a little bit!!!! Now for the bad news, The pain seems to have migrated to my joints. about a week and a half ago my daughter and i were wrestling around before bed the next morning i woke up and i had a shooting pain up my wrist when i tried to get out of bed and i thought i must have sparained my wrist. So i go to the hospital have them exray my wrist and yup the confirm it i sprained it. ( only it wasn't) couple of days later my ankle starts hurting like i sprained it then my shoulder a couple of days after that then my other ankle now my spine and elbow. So i went to drs today and he says he thinks crohns has taken up residence in my joints and possibly my eyes since i am having trouble with mty current eyeglass prescription. Went for blood tests today go to see the rheumetologist tommorrow and still need an appt. for the eye dr. They also di a throat swab to see if i have a candida yeast infection as i have had this white thrushy looking stuff and it feels like my throat is swollen or like their is a hair ball stuck in it. It is just weird. Can barely make it through three hours of work. I work in the lunch room at the high school for 3 hrs a day can hardly grab the pans or hold a dish cloth by the time the end of day rolls around my joints hurt so bad. Has anyone else experienced these problems? Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. I feel like i am going crazy.:ybatty:
I have not Dusty - just wanted to say I hope you get it figured out soon and hope it is nothing serious!!
I have joint pains in my hips and back. I'm not Humira though. I hope you get feeling better soon.
Nothing like what you are experiencing Dusty - just wanted to say I am thinking of you and hope it gets sorted.

Lishyloo x
Sorry Dusty...I get pains in my wrist when I push up off the couch or out of bed...It's a sharp pain, and will be sore for a few days then vanish. It has been going on for a long time....I don't know what to say, except it's good you are getting it checked out. Let us know how your results turn out.
oh, man. i have joint pains all of the time. for me, more than the belly pains, if i eat pizza or something, i will be aching and fatigued for a week. of course, it bothers my stomach for a few days, too, but it's the other aches that really upset my day-to-day life.

maybe joint pain is a side effect of the medicine? for me, it's just inflammation, i guess. arthritis caused by inflammation. man, it kills me. i still haven't gotten it all figured out, taking care of myself with crohn's disease.
Oooh I hope you get some answers soon. Sounds yuck. I get muscle stiffness in my hips but not sure if it is jointe-related, doesn't feel like it.
So I saw the Rhuemetologist today and she said the joint pain is deffinatley crohns disease so she is putting me on sulfasalazine. Not exactly sure what it is but she said it will work together with the Humira. I have to wait for my cbc to come back to make sure i don't have any infections. She said i could be sick and not even know it because i won't get a fever or anything like that because of the immunosuppresants. Also putting me onMedrol which is a steroid and on Nystalin for the candida yeast infection.
dustydshook said:
So I saw the Rhuemetologist today and she said the joint pain is deffinatley crohns disease so she is putting me on sulfasalazine. Not exactly sure what it is but she said it will work together with the Humira. I have to wait for my cbc to come back to make sure i don't have any infections. She said i could be sick and not even know it because i won't get a fever or anything like that because of the immunosuppresants. Also putting me onMedrol which is a steroid and on Nystalin for the candida yeast infection.
Hey Dusty. I've taken Sulfasalazine in conjunction with 6 mp. Its a sulfa drug that has mesalazine in it. It Asacol with a sulfa. Its used primarily to treat UC or mild Crohn's symptoms. Its an ok drug if it works for you. Be sure to check for rashes though. Some people are allergic to sulfas. I was taking it because it was an extreme difference in price compared to Asacol with similar properties. I did do well on it. It made mr feel weird. I swithced back to Asacol. I went to the dr today also and I am also being checked for RA. My dr is concerned with the hip and hand pains I am having. So we'll see. Let us know what happens in the next little while. I hope you start feeling better soon.
Thanks for the info mwb. I was wondering if Pentasa would have the same effect as it is also a 5 ASA. I was on it b4 and didn't have any problems with it I am going to check with my gi before i start taking it. I have my eye dr's set for tommorrow will let you know what they say.