Goodbye Mr. Gallbladder

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Dec 7, 2011
Started two weeks ago with low grade fever, and funky pain under my rib cage. I was sent to the ED by my GI doc, and had a ultrasound and chest X-ray. The ultrasound showed no stones, but some inflammation. Went for a HIDA scan with CCK Monday, and learned today that my gallbladder isn't functioning (ejection fraction of 6%). While in there, my doc wants multiple liver biopsies taken since I've been having pretty abnormal LFTs and have a form of liver disease.

I'm 25. My parts shouldn't be breaking this easily. At this point, I just have to take it in stride... It could be so much worse. I just am super nervous about the surgery, and recovery. I started on Humira close to six weeks ago, and feel that it is finally kicking in to relieve some of the Crohn's issues, and I'm afraid that I may have to stop it for a time..

Anyone else have their gallbladder out while on Humira?
Just wanted to say hello and commiserate with a fellow crohn's.
I had my gallbladder removed years ago and before crohn's diagnosis so I can't be of much help.
You will feel better after the surgery which is easier with modern techniques and a faster recovery time if its keyhole surgery.
Mine was done before all this was available so I have a long vertical incision and had a longer hospital stay.
Laparoscopic surgery the sutures are quite small., and hospitalisation is minimal.
You will do fine.
Sorry to hear about the liver issues, it may be the gallbladder is obstructing things and the liver may recover once it is removed.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
I had my gallbladder out about 15 years ago. I don't remember what meds I was on at the time, I think it was asacol. Due to my scar tissue from my first bowel resection, it wasn't done laproscopically. I hope once you have your gallbladder removed, you find some relief. I've also had multiple liver biopsies due to liver issues from the Mercaptopurine I take, but as it is all that works for my Crohn's, I continue to to take it but just do close monitoring of my liver.

I hope the gallbladder removal helps you, and you feel better soon.
Ive had my gallbladder out and it feels as if all has gone downhill since then, divertuculous, IBS, cholangitis, proctitis, fever, fatigue, joint pain, eye inflammation, cant even go out in sunlight anymore, toilet my new best friend. terrible! Still not one doctor has come out and said its Crohns? they say it might it difficult to diagnose?
I was on Humira last fall. End of December my abdominal pain was so bad I got a Hida scan. Non functioning gallbladder with inflammation. Once that came out all my Crohn's symptoms subsided. Repeat colonoscopy showed no inflammation!!! Stopped all my Crohn's meds. I do have issues with bile reflux in addition to my regular acid reflux. Trying to deal with that but overall feeling soooo much better!
I had mine out a few years ago.
Wasn't too long after I was diagnosed with Crohn's (actually at that point they thought it was UC).
It was keyhole surgery so quick and pretty much painless.
I think I was in hospital for only 3 days.
I haven't had any digestive issues related to it's removal.
I'm just hoping for a quick and easy recovery, and uncomplicated surgery. I have a pretty high pain tolerance but this has taken me by complete surprise. I just cannot wait to schedule surgery and get this thing out of me
Had surgery last Wednesday, April 16th. Have six lovely incisions. While in there, my surgeon also did numerous liver biopsies. The first few days were rough, pain wise. Still have a few days before I go back to work. I wish I had the opportunity to talk to my surgeon after the procedure (I may have and just not remember), to see how things went. I see her in a week, but I'm curious how things went.
Gall bladder removed during resection in 2011. Never have been on humira. Having both at the same time was painful.

I have to be careful of fried foods and monosaturated fats like melted butter as they go right through me. Butter seems to be easier with bread that isn't made with enriched white flour. Milk or yogurt don't bother me though.

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