Gotta plan my flares apparently

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May 1, 2012
So last week i checked my T3 and thought ok, i havent been using any, i have a bunch there if i call next week i will be ok.

So then this weekend happned and pain happened and well now i am almost out.

I call the clinic this morning and get told: I need to plan better. I need to figure out when i am going to run out and call down at least 2 weeks in advance for an appt now.

So yes i will decide when its good to have a flare, and i will make sure that i plan well in advance for that.......

i havent used any today , trying to save them for when the pain gets really bad again. They at least take the edge off.......

So yes i will check my calendar and i will pick a couple days where it is good timing to have a flare. Then i will be sure to call the clinic two weeks in advance so i can make usre i have pills.

ONLY the trouble with taht is, the dr then asks you how many pills you have left, and I dont lie well, and if i say 20 he/she is like" oh then i will send the RX down next week you still have lots.......

So it seems i cant win. If i have some left they dont want to give me more, if i have none left i get told to plan better.

Seriously. What is the answer???
Personally, I would make the appointment while you still have plenty left, when they ask you be vague and say you have 'a couple of days worth' left. Not exactly lying, as in a flare you could take 20 in 3 days, right?
Yep, ITA - I keep some extras of everything. A big storm, an emergency of some sort, and I might not be able to get them when I need them. I bought T3 in the drugstore up there, just had to sign for it. I guess it's changed?