Great...NOW I'm FAT!!

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Dec 11, 2010
And I'm beginning to wonder.....very little comes out but the big D. I woulda thought that the 6MP wouldve sorted that??

But...I am gaining 2 pounds almost daily!! And I'm NOT eating that much. Yes, even over Christmas.

I'm no longer on pred so thats not it. HUGE belly too!

Is it time for some Movicol?? Shall I alert the authorities in case the house explodes???????????
That's kind of weird...I'm fat too, but not 2lbs a day. Might be time for a clean-out and a trip to the doctor if that doesn't sort the bloating and big D for you.

Hope you feel better!

:ymad: Misty! As if you haven't suffered enough? Hmmm, perhaps you should give your Dr. a holler tomorrow (or today--guess I don't know what time it is where you are--and I could look it up, but too lazy). Are fingers, toes, and face swollen? How bout peeing--more, less, or the same? I'm a little concerned with fluid build up in your abdominal cavity. Gotta friend with Crohn's that goes in every once in a while to have her abdomen drained. Hopeful that I am not scaring you---but our stupid guts just refuse to behave dammit. Are you feeling okay? Sorry for the 50 questions game---I'm a worry wart. You keep all eyes on yourself and call your Dr. I dunno that much about 6MP. Keep us posted, you're not fat anyway---too cute and ornery to be fat! :ytongue: Oh, on a different note I got belly staples and hoo hah/buttcrack sutures out today---nice to take a step and not have a stich poking me where the sun don't shine! LOL take care of U. Dana
Yeah, 2lbs in one day. And had eaten little. But this has been going on now for a few weeks, so now I look like I have a Santa belly. Mind you that is where I've always put my weight on.

I'm peeing normal, I dont have alot of gas. Dont have a big appetite either. Not nauseas, mostly.

I'm drinking my Movicol now. With my morning coffee. Hoping the bag Gods will be kind to me today.
Hey Misty, had to look up what Movicol is--manufactured in the UK. Okay, I know that treatment regimens vary slightly from one Dr. and one country to another, but why Movicol if you already have the big D? So you don't get a blockage? Great that you are a coffee drinker as well---I've been frowned upon in the past, but have finally convinced everyone that it does not hurt when I drink coffee---and if it don't hurt I will be doin it! I drink buttercrunch flavored coffee with a splash of coffeemate and truvia--and a huge dollop of fat free cool whip on top! It is one of those pleasures in life for sure. Back to your tummy (I tend to rattle on and on)---hoping that you aren't in horrible pain or pain out of the ordinary. The 2# per day is concerning, though. Do you see a gastroenterologist or an internist? It intrigues me to talk with so many people that are acorss the globe! Maybe you can give your Dr. a holler to see what he/she thinks. Until then, take care of you---oh, by the way, since you are a dog mom has a fox terrier doggie named Sally. Sally just loves ears! My youngest son (9) has a history of ear issues, eardrum ruptures, multiple infections, tubes put into his ears when a baby. Sally just loves to sniff and snort and lick his ears! It's soo cute---animals are so smart. TTYL. :headbang:
Dana, I have the big D, but also strictures in my transverse colon, and in other areas. So...I know there's some 'sticking points' in my colon. Hence the movicol to help clear it out a tad.

I love all the stuff you put in your coffee! I'm a yank by the way, born and raised in Colorado, Golden in fact. And then Arkansas for 12 years. Then all over the blooming planet. I miss American food, well...Mexican food, and the steaks (droool) and PARKING!!!

The Dr's are much the same, only the names of meds have been changed to protect the innocent.

Good on the dog to help!!! (love em!)
I def. would be concerned about fluid retention in your belly - my boss actually went through that this past fall - he had an old hernia repair that needed to be fixed again, and for some reason he suddenly started to retain fluids.....when he finally got in to get that taken care of, he had over 2 LITRES of fluid drained off! No wonder his pants didn't fit any more!

Never did totally figure out WHY he was retaining the fluid!
Oh Paso, 2 litres?! Ugh. The size I am I think it might be gallons!

I just had my hernia 'repaired' in September. I thought alot of the bulge was from that...but no. It was like the hernia pulled my entire abdominal wall out. Its still the same as it was before surgery, if anything, it's worse.