Green tea

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Hi everyone, i had been doing so well with the stomach pain, just suffering with a lot of joint pain. A friend of mine came over the other day and brought me some green tea with ginger it was supposed to help with well being and give me a some energy, so we sat and had a cup of it and i felt a bit sick straight after drinking it and didn't think to much then about three hour's later i started to get a pain in the stomach no diahrear, just pain it was worse when i was standing so i laid down and rolled from side to side, i took some donatab which normally helps but not this time it made no difference so i took some pain killers no that didn't work either, all night i was like it , so i rang the doct and went down and all he could do was give me stronger pain killers and said to keep taking the donatab. I asked why they could'nt just let me take the pred and he proceed's to tell me i have ostioperrosis, I said where did you find that you sure you have my record's and he told me the last time i was in hospital they tested me and it came back pos. So not only did i find out i had that he told me that most people with crohns should stay away from green tea.
I have usually heard the opposite about green tea. Green tea is supposed to have a soothing affect on the stomach but it may not be the case for you. I have never been absolutely regular drinking the stuff to know. Hope you start feeling better soon
I used Green Tea caplets quite often when I was hardcore into (and able to be) fitness over the last few years, they're cheap and worked great for both energy and as a thermogenic. Never been a tea drinker, just like coffee, not my thing but smells good.
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I don't know the caffeine content of green tea... but a lot of the so called 'energy' boosters are just caffeine in disguise.. and even some that aren't are pretty hi in caffiene... like, has anyone ever looked at the caffiene in 'Mountain Dew'? Whew!
Oh I know it's mostly caffeine, because that's what I used it for, a preworkout supplement for that extra "oomph" when I knew things would be brutal. EGCG is part of what's in it, so I took it for those benefits too, rather than simply a caffeine pill.
Green Tea has about half the caffeine of Coffee.

It actually helped me quite a bit. I am not sure if it was the Green Tea that did the trick, or the fact I was drinking less Coffee because I was drinking the tea instead.

Being I feel normal again, I have pretty much reverted back to Coffee. So far no problems. I do not drink as much as I used to.

I drink green tea regularly (about 2 cups a day) and heven't had any problems. Could it be the ginger in it???
green tea with a little honey and sugar is amazing. i drink decaf green tea, never had a problem with it. it actually seems to help me if i'm feeling sick (sinus problems)