Hi everyone, i had been doing so well with the stomach pain, just suffering with a lot of joint pain. A friend of mine came over the other day and brought me some green tea with ginger it was supposed to help with well being and give me a some energy, so we sat and had a cup of it and i felt a bit sick straight after drinking it and didn't think to much then about three hour's later i started to get a pain in the stomach no diahrear, just pain it was worse when i was standing so i laid down and rolled from side to side, i took some donatab which normally helps but not this time it made no difference so i took some pain killers no that didn't work either, all night i was like it , so i rang the doct and went down and all he could do was give me stronger pain killers and said to keep taking the donatab. I asked why they could'nt just let me take the pred and he proceed's to tell me i have ostioperrosis, I said where did you find that you sure you have my record's and he told me the last time i was in hospital they tested me and it came back pos. So not only did i find out i had that he told me that most people with crohns should stay away from green tea.