Groundhog day?

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Nov 12, 2010
Well here we are....Hunter and me....holed up in the same hotel (same floor even) that I stayed with Claire for her scope back in April. Sort of like Bill Murray in Groundhog day where he does the same thing over and over. I'm out of kids after this one though.

Those of you I don't know well - Hunter is Claire's "healthy" big brother who's been having GI issues.

I'm hoping for some sort of answer tomorrow and selfishly, hoping I don't have to hear the "C" word again!

On a lighter note, Hunter is not nearly as funny about the prep as Claire. Too bad I don't have a funny story......but hey, there's still two suppositories to go so maybe something will come up. :ybiggrin:

Love you all -

Love to you too Julie. I wish Hunter wasn't having to go thru this. I really hope you don't hear the 'C' word either. Keep us posted.

PS. I believe Claire gets her humor from you! You take any situation and make the best of it and somehow try to smile or make us smile. (Sound like Claire too :))
You are such a good mom, and soooo strong! Hang in there.
:hang:Awe, Julie!! I know every time my "healthy child" has a tummy ache or looses her appetite I think about crohn's. The uncertainty is hard so I am hoping you can put your mind at ease tomorrow with some great news from your Dr. !!!

(((Hugs))) to Hunter. I know my 11 year old completely lost his sense of humor during the prep. But he was a happy boy the next day once it was over and he could eat again.

Good Luck! We are thinking good thoughts for you and Hunter and hoping for a clean scope tomorrow and none of the "C" word!
Ok so when the 8 yr old does the colonscopy prep in a hotel, you play card games, monster high dolls and paint toenails.

When it's the 12 year old, you watch movies and listen to him take repeated showers. He's in there for the third time........

Hey J,

Thinking about you loads mate...:hug:...I so wish you weren't going through those feelings of deja vu. :(

Sending you loads and loads and loads of love, luck and well wishes for today! I have everything crossed that Hunter's scope is NORMAL!...:goodluck:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Did they move up the date? I missed something! I thought Dr. A only did scopes on Weds..

Anyway, let us know J.
No Mark. No date move up. This was the original schedule. Maybe he's changed his schedule for 2012??
Hi J, and good luck with Hunter's scope.
My older son has just had his first appt with my daughters GI last week. He's been having some issues for a while now (low b12, high billirubin, vomiting in the mornings) so our dr has decided (finally) to dig a little deeper. As a child, my son had horrible constipation issues that seemed to get better when he was about 6. The GI did a whach of blood work. One of the things what an inflamatory marker I believe and to test for Celiac. She said depending on the blood work, they may do a scope for his as well to rule out Crohn's.
Hey Julie,

Sending you the very best wishes that all goes well!! Will be thinking of you!

Here's the text I just sent my husband.

Ok. Dr A came. Doesn't see signs of Crohns but took biopsies to be sure. Does see furrowing in the esophagus consistent with food allergy. Biopsied that as well. Thinks terminal ileum pain is either related to the allergy or just irritable bowel (not inflammatory bowel). He's going to call me next Monday when the biopsies are back. He said if positive for food allergy then have to see allergist. If everything negative, will talk to me about diet. Assuming no bombs drop with biopsies, I'm relieved!

Thank you all for thinking of us today.

Oh wow J!!! :)

I so hope the biopsies are negative! My eyes are closed and fists are clenched I'm wishing so hard!

I'm so happy for you all. :):):)

Dusty. :Karl:
Sounds good! These GI docs have seen intestines so many times and know what to look for...for him to lean towards allergy is good I think, but I'll be praying for negative biopsies!!!
Great news. You know a GI dr hates to refer someone to a lowly allergist or dietitian, so I would say he is pretty sure it is an allergy. :D

Take care,
Oh yes I'm relieved. When Claire got dx, they came out an told me even before the biopsies got to pathology. ;)

Hopefully we can figure out this allergy thing and get on with it!!

I'd have sworn the tests were late Feb.. Oh well, a nice, unexpected January surprise:)
Great news J !
So happy to hear that he thinks it's "just" Allergies.
Food allergies can be quite a pain to deal with and treat (trust me I know ~ GAb is allergic to corn, and corn is in EVERYTHING ! LOL) But I'm sure you'd much rather deal with allergies ! :)
Oh I hope and pray the biopsies agree!
Gab's scope was the same as Claires, they came out and said Crohn's right away, then just waited for the biopsies to confirm.

big hugs!
Somehow missed this update, but glad to hear the tentative good news, and hoping for more to come!!!
Ok GI and I finally connected on Biopsy results. No findings in lower GI - yay! Trying antispasmodic to help pain.

Upper GI showed very high concentration of eosinophils. Pursuing food allergy route.

Thanks for your kind words and prayers.

Thanks for the update J. :)

I am so happy to hear that the biopsies were negative, YAY! I hope the food allergy route gives you the answers you need. Keep us posted!

Dusty. :heart:
Your bully is great too, what a face! I want to smoosh his snout.
I meant the OP's dog in my other post. He looks like a pit to me.
DOGS RULE (especially rescues).

FYI: A dog rescue organization, Dogs Deserve Better, bought Vick's place and it is now a SANCTUARY! I visited it, it is amazing and heartbreaking.
Y'all are cracking me up. Yes Penny is a Pittie and a rescued one at that. We ADORE her. :).

I'll post a long story about her one of these days but we got her about 3 months before Claire got reaaaalllllly sick. I know almost unfailingly when Claire isn't feeling well BEFORE she says anything because Pen will start sticking to her like glue. :)

Pitts are awesome dogs! I had one but when I got pregnant with Devynn people convinced me she would be jealous. I gave her to my brother and regretted it every single day. She LOVED Devynn and wouldn't leave her side. BUT we did get to see her all the time, my brother and I have always been very close. She had a very good life and was THE sweetest dog ever. She passed away at 10 years old. She had some kind of neurological problem, we think she was having strokes :( I miss her.
Yikes! I don't know how to tell you all this but...they are banned here, well in New South Wales they are, not sure about the other states! :eek2:

Dusty. :runaway:
They are the best people dogs, they WANT to please.
They can be other-animal aggressive, case by case basis of course. My adult daughter works at a doggie daycare and she can tell stories of ALL breeds being nasty tempered based upon how they are treated.
Her personal dog is a rescue pit who treats her two cats and two rats like puppies; she grooms them. The rats will scamper all over her when allowed.
They are banned where I am now too (Ontario Canada). We had ours before the ban, and if you owned one you were allowed to keep them if they were registered. They are amazing dogs.