It does seem to be an almost impossible challenge trying to reason with teens! :yfaint: While S has been compliant with meds and decently so with supplements, his diet and drinking at school are things I've tried to tackle. While not as harmful as skipping meds, I have told him over and over that if he takes his well-being for granted, he will eventually pay the price. That there is no magic that makes him different from others , he will have the same consequences and he is not invincible. I've also stressed that while it will break my heart to see him suffer, in the end, it will be him who will be feeling and suffering the consequences. Also, pointed out the obvious that I can't be with him 24/7 and that, given his age, these decisions are his... he knows what I'd like him to do (not do) but the ball is in his court.
Not saying that it's worked 100% but I do see that he takes his illness seriously and does make an effort in his diet (hard for him given how picky he is!).
I also agree with having her discuss the issues with her GI. When S was initially dxed, at almost 17, I thought a discussion re alcohol, drugs, etc would be beneficial. So, I sort of cornered S and the GI by bringing it up, matter-of-factly stating my concerns (gave no opinion) and then said I would leave the room so that S and the GI could discuss in private and S could ask whatever questions he wanted. This way, I knew the GI knew of my concerns and would discuss them with S and, hopefully, prompt S to ask his own questions. This approach might work with C if she is hesitant to start the conversation or admit how much she wants to avoid meds to the GI.
Good luck, it certainly isn't easy, especially as you're not feeling well either!
Hugs to both of you! :ghug: :ghug: