Hands Hurt

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 2, 2013
So yesterday was my first Remicade treatment. It went super smooth and the RN at the office where I will be having them done is super awesome. He noticed how nervous:shifty-t: I was and made me feel soooo much better. It helps he has been doing this sort of thing for 20+ years and was great with a needle!

About an hour after the treatment my hands started to hurt. Mostly the joints. The pain was a 3/10 so not bad but it seemed to move around. My lower back was sore to the touch and my head was throbbing.

This morning the only think I woke up with was the hand pain. Seems as the day moves on different joints in my body have this small ache that lasts for a few minutes and then goes away.

Anyone else have this?