Has anybody had gallbladder surgery with a Stoma?

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Jan 1, 2012
My gallbladder needs to be removed and I'm concerned it will not be done lapriscopically as I have an ileostomy.
Has anybody else had their gallbladder removed whilst having a Stoma?
What am I in for?
They have indicated it will probably be open surgery :(
They have suggested 6-8 week recovery time. Is this realistic?
I too have a stoma and gallstones. The Doc said that it would have to be done "open". I think that the recovery is about 6 to 8 weeks, but not all in the bed, after 2 weeks you are up and moving and continually doing more and more.
Shazz just had gallbladder surgery. They didnt figure out what was wrong with her for quite awhile. It was lapro. She has an ileostomy.
Thanks Civey.
Thanks Misty.
I wondered how Shazz was. She's been so sick for so long. I'm glad they worked it out for her finally.
I have had an ileostomy since 2007 and had my gallbladder removed in March of 2011. I had it done laproscopicly. Although, the doctors were a little concerned that they may not be able to, do to scar tissue, but in they end, they did. I ended up only having 3 small tiny incisions. Two were about an inch long, and the other was about 2-3 inches. It was easy and I was home in 2 days. Good luck!

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