well, couple of quick points to consider. Probiotics take time, like weeks, even months... and they can result in increased flatulence... good living organisms will do that... just like bad ones. The goal is to have the good outnumber the bad.... eventually. Problem is the bad seem more prolific..harder to get rid of. The good seem to perish in droves if we take meds or a/b's. So, if you try this, give yourself a minimum of 4 - 8 weeks to see any benefits.. could be as vague as just feeling a smidge better. and it might be confusing if you experience more gas, and pain therefrom, in the interim.
2nd point... a recent study showed that single version probiotics worked better than multiple varieties... despite the pro-biotic makers advertising just the opposite. The theory is that multiple good biotics compete against each other... whereas if you just keep pumping the same strain of good guys in.. they will eventually flourish. The article.. or a news story on it, is in the forum somewhere.. you may want to check it out.. (like, "I" wouldn't trust my memory). So, if some fancy pro-biotic peddlar tries to sell you the 'best' combination of various strains of probiotic available in one little pill, it MAY be the best collection available... but (if the study is right, and it do seem to make sense) it probably won't work as well as taking a generic type with only 1 strain in it..
Finally... many pills... meds, vitamins, you name it... have a filler/binder agent in them.. and lactose is commonly used. Many folks with IBD either are lactose intollerant, or lactose sensitive. I am very lactose intolerant. I found out just how intolerant when I'd eliminated all but one source of it. I was still getting these odd bouts, and they held to a distinct schedule. Then I found out my major brand name, best of the best vitamins, had this lactose in them... switched to a no name brand w/o lactose, those 'funny' timed bouts disappeared. If you think you are lactose sensitive, you might want to check to ensure your pills, including probiotic vitamins, are lactose free.