Has anyone tried Coconut Oil?

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Nov 12, 2011
I just bought some coconut oil after reading about it helping Alzheimer’s patients. I spread it on some toast (it is solid at room temperture) I couldn't taste it, so it was OK. I'll see tomorrow how it effects me. I would like to be able to use it if I can tollerate it, but would love to know if anyone else has tried it and if it had any impact on their Crohn's.
I just read something about this last night on peoplespharmacy.com. Some people get relief from Archway Coconut Macaroons. They say it's from the coconut oil. It's certainly worth a try!

I have heard it is supposed to be very good for you. Oddly enough, you can also use it as a lotion on your body. It will eliminate eczema! Also great moisturizer if sunburn or have dry skin.
Nutiva is my favorite coconut oil. It has more of a buttery flavor to it compared to others that I've tried. I tend to spread the oil onto meats and vegetables that I prepare.

I've read of some having difficulty digesting coconut oil, but that has not been a problem of mine. Which is surprising considering how many other items seem to cause gut woes!

Alzheimers is something that interests me also. My grandmother died from the condition, and her mother did too. The disease runs in the family. We keep an eye on my father, hoping he doesn't develop Alzheimer's. As a result, both he and I take a little bit of coconut each day for the ketones it produces hoping it helps prevent the brain wasting condition.

Something else that might be of help, from what I've read, some are now calling Alzheimer's type 3 diabetes. And a few are reporting that their diabetes condition is helped greatly, sometimes even reversed after avoiding wheat. So overall, my guess is if looking to prevent alzheimer's disease, it probably is a good idea to control blood sugar levels. Thought this a nice article about that ~

"Unexpected effects of a wheat-free diet"


snippet from the article:

Wheat elimination continues to yield explosive and unexpected health benefits.

I initially asked patients in the office to eliminate wheat because I wanted to help them reduce blood sugar and pre-diabetic tendencies.

A patient would come to the office, for example, with a blood sugar of 118 mg/dl (in the pre-diabetic range) and the other phenomena of pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, high inflammation/c-reactive protein, low HDL, high triglycerides, small LDL), and the characteristic wheat belly. Eliminate wheat and, within three months, they lose 30 lbs, blood sugar drops to normal, blood pressure drops, triglycerides drop by several hundred milligrams, HDL goes up, small LDL plummets, c-reactive protein drops.

People also felt better, with flat tummies and more energy. But they also developed benefits I did not anticipate:

–Improved rheumatoid arthritis–I have seen this time and time again. Eliminate wheat and the painful thumbs, fingers, and other joints clear up dramatically. Many former rheumatoid sufferers people tell me that one cracker or pretzel will trigger a painful throbbing reminder that lasts a couple of hours.

–Improved ulcerative colitis–People incapacitated with pain, cramping, and diarrhea of ulcerative colitis (who are negative for the antibodies for celiac disease) can experience marked improvement. I’ve seen people be able to stop all their nasty colitis medications just by eliminating wheat.

–Reduction or elimination of irritable bowel syndrome

–Reduction or elimination of gastroesophageal reflux...
I eat 2 tbsps every day because of my low cholesterol. I put it on everything. lol. You can use it in baking too. I guess it must be doing something since I never really flare now, but I have several things in my diet that could be causing that. I think its good to add lots of healthy fats :)

I have severe gastritis/GERD and I think its probably preventing it from causing damage because the radiologist told me she didn't see any ulceration on my SBFT and upper GI. The endoscopy I had a year ago showed very little damage to my esophagus even though the pain is horrendous. I have been eating it for two years now.

Love the coconut oil;)

I tried coconut oil, but sadly it did not agree with me. I tried it in capsule form, and it just caused hours-long stomach pain after I took it. I didn't notice any positive benefits, only pain. So that didn't last long and I tend to avoid coconut and coconut oil nowadays. I can do other healthy fats, like olive oil and avocado, but not coconut oil.
Thanks for all the quick replys. So far I'm fine so I've upped the dose. I put it in my mashed potatoes and my green beans tonight and we'll see how I fair tomorrow. As an added ingredient the taste is "invisible", it doesn't change the flavor of the food even a little bit. If my guts don't revolt I can do this!

I have been using coconut oil for about 10 days and it has made me feel much better. I have a lot of narrowing and the coconut seems to have reduced the inflamation. I felt better overnight. I am also using it for eczema and it works better than any prescriptions I have been given. I am on remicade but I would like to find natural ways to be healthy and hopefully not need remicade in the future.
I have recently started drinking the vita coco or One coconut waters and I tell you what, I have felt extremely better. The potassium helps with my foot and leg cramps too. I feel hydrated and my whole digestive system seems to love it.
I cook with coconut oil instead of any other oil. Much more healthy and I haven't had any problems with it. Although Its been a couple years and it hasn't improved anything, not that I expected it to.
Hi there,

Re your question regarding use of coconut oil for Crohn's, I've found that I cannot tolerate it at all whatsoever :( It induces a severe flare up in me for some reason. This is a huge pity as I've heard that it's supposed to be incredibly beneficial. The coconut oil that I've used has been extra virgin, cold pressed and organic and one tea-spoon or less sets me off. Best for me to stay away from it!!! Also most natural remedies that I've read about online and tried (cayenne pepper for gut health and its anti-inflammatory properties and other similar items)also cause severe flare ups. I guess these things work for some and not for others. BTW I'm on remicade for crohn's and don't find it particularly helpful tbh which is why I'm always on the lookout for natural remedies that help keep my flares to a minimum
I use it a lot in food. I'm not sure that it helps anything, but it certainly doesn't aggrevate my symptoms. This isn't GI related, but I also put it on my face at bedtime and it makes my skin so soft and hydrated the next day. It also does not cause me to break out either
I was wondering if anyone has tried oil pulling with coconut oil? I have terrible swollen gums and read something about pulling with coconut oil helps..
I like the delicate taste of coconut oil and use it in cooking but I think it has the same effect on me as any other oil - ok in small amounts but causes diarrhoea in greater quantities.
You're better off sticking with olive oil or an animal fat. Coconut oil is too yin (in Chinese medical terms) as it's derived from fruit (coconut). The goal in your healing journey should be getting your body in a more YANG state. Plenty of cooked vegetables, some animal protein, a little fat (but not coconut oil or avocado oil- both fruits), plus a little bit of grains (if you can handle them).
The question on the flare is:

Is the flare from a reaction to the coconut oil itself, or is it the antibacterial action killing pathogens which can also cause a flare?

The first will not go away with continued use. The second likely will.

You flare when you body attacks a flu virus. It is a natural response and productive in the end. Your body will also flare when it find dead bacteria floating about. All flares are not unproductive. It is difficult to sort one from the other.
