Has food sensitivity testing helped?

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May 13, 2014
I am thinking of doing food sensitivity testing for my 3 year old that has recently been diagnosed with CD. Just wondering if anyone has tried this and if it has significantly helped?
I was told most of these tests aren't that accurate and that excluding trigger foods for 2 weeks logging symptoms and then reintroducing is the best way to find out.
I am also considering food sensitivity testing for my 17 year old son. He eats such few things. I also am a bit afraid of trying new things for fear of making symptoms worse. Trying probiotics and he flared. I love my sons doctor but he truly doesn't even mention diet. My son never had a problem with milk/dairy until recently. He notices he goes to bathroom more. I would love to hear positive or negative about food sensitivity testing. Gastro told us waste of money.
Most serious scientists pretty much discount these tests. Different supposed sensitivities pop up on different tests for the same person; of course each test lab claims to be the "real, authentic, accurate" test.

I'm not saying diet doesn't have a role in maintaining remission, but as nogutsnoglory said, there are other ways to determine trigger foods.
I've had food sensitivity testing done, it is a waste of money.

Rose - if your son is having problems with dairy, ask his doctors about a lactose intolerance test. This test is part of conventional medicine and very different from the various food sensitivity tests performed by alternative medicine practitioners and private laboratories.