I have been in flare for almost 2 years.
Once, about a year and half and ago, I quit, and check this out: Within 24 hours, I was down to about 1 solid BM a day....formed, clean, that would make an 8-year old boy proud.
But I was an idiot. I started to feel good again, and when I feel good, I tend to celebrate in stupid ways, and started smoking again. Guess what? Symptoms came back.
And never could get that remission back again, even when I tried to quit again, didn't help.
This has been the summer of hell for me. Flare got worse, was put on prednisone tapers twice, (added to Asacol, which wasn't doing jack for me), picked up a UTI, anti-biotic induced C-Diff infection, probably wasn't even a UTI, but prostratitis instead now diagnosed, but because of C-Diff, had to take Flagyl for a week (sUCKED!!!!), and Cipro "just in case" it was UTI again. Almost cancelled vacation with kids.
I'm now in Florida enjoying a vacation with daughters.
Having 1-2 SOLID BM a day!
Flare went away at the 11th hour before we left.
What gives? I can't say for sure, but here is what I can tell you:
1. I've been smoke-free for 2 months.
2. I've been nearly alcohol free for 1 month.
3. I've been nearly caffeine free for 1 month.
4. Finished off all anti-biotics day before we left. (not on purpose mind you...just worked out that way).
5. Stopped taking Asacol day before we left. (Doc's order).
5. Started taking Digestive Advantage for Crohn's and Colitis Probiotic 2 days before we left. (Not docs's order).
I'm feeling better than I have in almost 2 years. I hope it holds.
I want to put all the credit towards the probiotic, but there were too many variables involved last week to say anything worthwhile scientific: I stopped Asacol, stopped anti-biotics, stool test said C-diff was negative, so Flagyl must've worked, stopped Cipro, started splitting Prednisone -- take half in morning, other half in afternoon.
But I still think it's weird about that episode last year when I quit smoking and I cleared up within 24 hours.