Perhaps "challenge" was not the correct term. When I say that, I refer to asking about other options, not just saying "ok, great, thank you, see you next time."
Baistuff-I don't think it was implied by my post that doctors are not paying attention to patient's concerns. Perhaps it just SEEMS like a challenge, because heck, even asking questions seems like I'm being pushy. As the daughter of two physicians, I do respect your opinion..however, just like in clinical trials that show efficacy and response to a drug, real-life anecdotes should do the same. As much as I'd like to ask my GI (been running around with several) to prescribe LDN or a trial of SCD/Cat's Claw, or even to let me try Pentasa, it feels like a challenge. I love it when doctors are receptive to patients trying alternatives and then take it from there.
Sure the risks may be minimal, the statistics are low... until you become one of them (hopefully not). But the way I see it, the opposite has to be given a chance too...what if you are not one whose disease ends up needing surgery? Or ending up with stricturing and progression? As a 25 year old who has never dated, never had a boyfriend, never known what it's like to hold hands with a on earth can I accept the possibility of developing cervical, skin, lymphatic system cancers when all I have is....asymptomatic mild inflammation which MAY respond to Pentasa. 2 years off of meds and all that was seen was mild inflammation. It MAY progress, of course. I'd rather have to face the reality, than live in depression every single day of my life knowing I'm consciously swallowing a toxic substance for something which "may or may not" occur. It's a trap in this situation.
So again, would retracting my compliance be challenging my doctor? This is what I'm planning to email him:
Hello (insert nurse and Dr's name here),
I have a few questions about some reactions/side effects after starting 6MP last Monday (Oct. 27th). I have been able to manage the nausea and tiredness, but there are a couple things I am concerned about:
1.) I developed skin itchiness starting this past weekend, beginning on Sat. It's all over, but I don't see any rashes other than when I scratch. I don't recall having this side effect the last time I was on this to be expected? Also, I noticed an increase in moles that normal?
2.) The abdominal/flank pain (primarily RUQ extending to the back) that I mentioned at my appoint is there consistently every day now, most of the day. It almost feels like it's coming from my right rib towards the back, and an area in the front. There have been a few times the LUQ gets an ache, similar to what I experienced a few weeks after my colonoscopy in I'm not sure if this is related to the inflammation or not, as I've never experienced aches in these areas prior to this year.
3.) Dr. xxx, this is something I wish I had said at my appt with you, but I value your opinion and didn't want you to think of me as the same person my past records reflect: a non-compliant patient. To be completely honest here, my energy and quality of life feels like it has disappeared since last Monday. I know medication is to improve quality of life, but before then, when I was taking Pentasa only, I wasn't worried, I was happy, and feeling great! I was looking forward to playing tennis, getting out there! I know I'm not the typical Crohn's patient...aside from my first semester in Miami Fall 2009 after eating at the dining hall (it gave everybody diarrhea..), I've never had a problem with diarrhea. Tapering Entocort, sure I had some abdominal cramping and looser stools initially, but that rebound subsided and I still go once or twice every few days with normal stools. I understand this doesn't necessarily indicate anything, as asymptomatic inflammation exists...but for some reason, I can accept the risk of progression, but not damaging the rest of my body when I don't feel anything.Perhaps if I did have more symptoms, it would be easier to take the med for which I would be able to see and feel the relief. I can't live worrying if every new mole is a problem, or my joints hurting, etc when all I've had is some RLQ tenderness and the duodenitis/gastritis pain. I understand when you say Pentasa has been shown to be like a placebo, but what if I'm in that small percentage of people who respond? I know typically Pentasa doesn't do much..but since I'm atypical, before I can realize I need something stronger, I would be more compliant with the least harmful medication, now that I've accepted the diagnosis 4 years later. I would rather have active surveillance, than potentially ending up with some sort of cancer, for which I will never be able to forgive myself. Of course when I took 6mp, it quietted things down, even having a lasting effect for a couple years off it, but my disease activity was a little more "vile" back then apparently. I'm the type to learn by experience. I'm not rejecting 6mp or stronger meds if/when I truly need them, but right now, every time I swallow the tablet, it's scaring me. Could we give Pentasa a try? I accept FULL responsibility for whatever may happen, but i don't mind aggressive surveillance at all. I hope you understand Dr. xxx. I truly want to be your compliant patient, as I finally can rest easy in the hands of xxx clinic, but in an ideal world, I wouldn't take medication....could Pentasa be the halfway point? I promise to not hesitate to go back on 6mp should things progress. There are just certain things I'd like to experience before altering my body's chemistry consciously.."
Is that too challenging? At my appointment I mentioned that the other doctor I saw again after 3 years, told me this time I might be one to respond to Pentasa ( 3 years ago he said it was a placebo...but he was seriously surprised how I have not had any symptoms, medfree for about 2 years...and it hasn't really progressed) This doctor reiterated it's like a placebo (uhm, what about allll the ppl who have done well on it?) I hate feeling trapped