Haven't been on much, a lot going on lately

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Jun 7, 2012
I apologize to everyone, I haven't been nearly active enough lately, I feel like fit is hitting the shan lately. I have been pretty under the weather the last 2.5 weeks. My body is so tired and sore, haven't been able to do much but go to school and come home and sit on the couch. I am starting to notice a lot more joint pain as well as muscle weakness. Driving takes so much energy out of me, and all I am doing is sitting. I am going to the rheumy on Monday, hoping that we can start figuring that out. I have also been getting nauseous a lot more lately as well, but I am not really experiencing any other Crohn's symptoms. Sometimes I have very mild cramps, but thats about it.
One thing that I did want to ask to see if anyone can relate...I've lost my ability to speak well formed sentences. I have been mixing up my word order or just completely saying words wrong. I have always messed up words or sentences, especially when I am nervous, but its to the point now that my boyfriend, who normally laughs, is concerned. The other night, while out with friends, I couldn't for the life of me get out my sentence. I was so embarrassed, I said I was drunk and didn't talk the rest of the night.
Anyways, on top of school starting and feeling like crap all the time, I broke the screen on my laptop and my phone is difficult to post from so I haven't been for the most part. I am going to start logging in more as soon as I get a new computer (next week),
Oh my goodness. :( I sure hope things can get figured out for you soon. Wish I had some solutions. But, the best thing I can do for now is to send lots of hugs your way. Please keep us updated.
I was interested to find this post. I've posted on my own threads recently about how a stress reaction to a fever/infection caused be to become paralysed down one side, but also to lose my ability to talk.

My speech came back after a few hours. While it was gone, I understood everything people were saying to me, and I even knew the substance of what I wanted to communicate to them, but I couldn't for the life of me think of the words to express it. For example, a doctor would say to me, "Are you in pain?" and I knew I wasn't in pain, but I couldn't think of the word "No", or the words "I'm not in pain", or any other words. Trying to answer a question just felt like this enormous, exhausting mental effort. It was one of the scariest, strangest things I've ever experienced.

I've no idea whether this bears any relation to your language problem. I realise my acute, brief episode is very different to what you're experiencing. I'd imagine relatively simple things could cause some trouble with language - exhaustion for one thing, and nervousness, like you say, though clearly for you it seems something more than that. I think some medications can do as well. I do know that a lot of speech problems are classed as neurological. The first thing the doctors did for me was sent me for a CT of my head to see if I'd had a stroke (I hadn't; the CT was normal). If you are worried, I would check any meds you're taking for side effects, and maybe see about getting referred to a neurologist.

I know that's not much help, I just wanted to say that I know the uncertainty and frustration when something as natural as language changes.
I was wondering if you ever followed up on this. When I got the details on what happened to me, it turned out I did have a mini stroke. The blood to my brain was only obstructed very briefly, so my speech came back quickly and most of the paralysis wasn't permanent, however I'm still seeing a physiotherapist and don't have full use of my hand back. Did you get any tests done?
I used to find that along with extreme tiredness I'd have trouble getting words out or sometimes forming sentences. And of course getting nervous makes it worse. I've always had a bit of a stammer, but this was different, kind of like I'd forgotten the words.

I wonder now if it was related to lacking in B12 as I probably have been for years, but perhaps it was just another facet of brain fog. I found it would help to practice - i.e. talk to yourself (only chance for intelligent conversation;) ), or perhaps read something out loud like a book or an article. I've been learning French as well, which strange as it sounds help me speak better English.

These days I'm verging on talkative, which is odd for me. And this is mostly since the B12 injections started. Still sometimes very tired, but it doesn't affect me nearly as much.

I hope you get some answers.

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