Heard of "Makers Diet" or "Garden of Life?" - Advice needed

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Mar 19, 2011
Have you heard of the company "Garden of Life" or the diet: the "Makers Diet?" I'm curious if this works.. or helps at all.

My dad's coworker gave him Patient Heal Thyself for me to read. It's written by Jordan S. Rubin.

Jordan suffered from very severe Crohn's Colitis and this book talks about the diet he used after all his medications failed him.

The diet may be kind of strange. It consists of microorganisms from soil and also all kinds of organic(ACTUALLY organic) foods. Grass fed meats, herbal stuff.

It seems like some or most of these foods would be trigger foods?

He started a company called "Garden of Life" and also started a diet called the "Makers Diet"

Is anyone familiar with this book or his diet plan? I really want to know how it works out.
There have been discussions on this before. If you do a forum search, you should come up with some stuff. HTH.

I've done a search. There's just too much to go through and too little "hits" on exactly what I'm trying to find.

Maybe I'm not searching the right words or something.

I'm just trying to get advice on this from anyone who has experience or heard anything on it, because I really need to change something in my diet as everything else is starting to turn around again..
I did the diet and used the probiotics when I had a bad flare-up eight years ago. It really helped me get into remission, but it takes a while. It takes about 3 months to notice a difference and that helped me get off the prednizone. In fact by staying on a similar diet and probiotics, eliminating gluten and sugar I stayed in remission for seven years. I wish I had not gone off the 6-mp and asacol, though. I recently had a flare-up and am going through resection of the sigmoid colon because I have a fistula going to my bladder. I don't have any other symptoms except recurring bladder infections.

I think everyone should try to help their treatment with diet, but don't believe that you are "cured" just because you go into remission for a long time. You never get rid of Crohns, but I think a combination of SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) or The Makers Diet along with the medications can help some people along with keeping their inflammation in check. Just remember that everyone is a bit different, you might have to do an elimination diet to see what foods YOU are sensitive to.
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